Defining the OWK tunisia saber. Is it even possible?

To make an easier mold for resin castings of the existing OB1 ANH Hero prop ... Roger Shaw added some extra stuff to fill in the fins of the booster section as well as the windvane of the grenade and the vertical cuts in the grenade ... as the activation board is more like Luke's in ROTJ than the regular bubblestrip the resin stunt looks rather closer to Luke's ROTJ than OB1 ANH. So indeed next to the OB1 ANH V1, we have the Tunesia V2, The shared Stunt V3 and as it seems several resin and even rubber castings V4 :wacko

To make an easier mold for resin castings of the existing OB1 ANH Hero prop ... Roger Shaw added some extra stuff to fill in the fins of the booster section as well as the windvane of the grenade and the vertical cuts in the grenade ... as the activation board is more like Luke's in ROTJ than the regular bubblestrip the resin stunt looks rather closer to Luke's ROTJ than OB1 ANH. So indeed next to the OB1 ANH V1, we have the Tunesia V2, The shared Stunt V3 and as it seems several resin and even rubber castings V4 :wacko

Also not to mention they made some fiberglass copies as well ;)
Very cool to hear about the OWK rubber copies, multiple variants of the heavy real OWK prop and the resin one used on ESBs set. We can see it in the BTS video of the first stunt blades I believe, if the pommel end has a hollow hole, like it's a shell casting.

Thanks for any more info you can share, or if we have it wrong, straightening us out :)
@Ridire Firean ... now where can I collect my award? :lol Chaïm

Hey, Chaim. Look, Chaim, I was just on my way to pay you back, but I got a little sidetracked! It's not my fault...

And, since the Jedi Mind-trick is working because he started gabbing without being captured, and well, ya know, he doesn't get the reward either for turning himself in. ;)

@LorduDesign You did not read this post. (Waves hand). You will continue to spill the beans on your friends. (Waves hand). The pictures you have will be posted here. (Waves hand). Post along. Post Along. (Waves hand).
LorduDesign, thanks so much for sharing what you know! It is exciting to think that more original props still exist out there somewhere. It means we still can hope to see them one day, even if their current owners want to keep them a secret outside the prop collecting elite. It could be decades from now one goes up for auction, or just suddenly comes into the possession of a collector like Brandon who is willing to reveal it to the larger community.

It also shows how little we know in terms of how many versions of these props were made.
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I'm not a big fan of their stout, but if they have a lite, or a wheat, I'm all in! When were you planning to make the trip? ;)

I'm already standing at their door right now ... where the **** have you been? :lol

And you can 'wave' your hand as much as you like and mumble 'curses' our way ... you clearly have no idea how much energy it costs us to refrain from posting those few pictures we've seen ever since we made a solemn pledge to the current owner. Personally I'd still like to know where the original all vintage parts hero is above revealing the resin version 4.

And yes Jedi Reali it's good to know that there are many more variants still out there ... eventhough the OB1 ANH with all vintage parts will be the last lightsaber I finish. I was hoping for an accurate Shared Stunt which got side-tracked by the V2 run ... so for now I'm done.

I'm already standing at their door right now ... where the **** have you been? :lol Chaïm

I'm stuck in a Customs holding cell buddy, can you bail a friend out? They didn't believe me when they checked my bag and started asking what all the metal objects were. "Well that's a sink drain, and that's a vintage motorcycle footpeg, that one's an exhaust clamp, this one's a pinion gear, and the last one is a sink knob." I said. They started in on me that I was importing without a license and I finally broke down and told them it was a Star Wars prop. Unfortunately I assembled it to show them I was telling them the truth, and then the one dude recognized it as a lightsaber, apparently he watched too many movies, 'cuz he yelled "That's the WEAPON of a Jedi Knight!", the other guys heard 'weapon' and since I was the one holding it, I'm the one that got tased and piled upon. Either I missed the joke, or the English really don't have a sense of humor. ;)

You may keep your V4 photos hidden. (Waves hand).

Seriously though, I lost interest at not the HERO. Not that I don't find it neat to know, I'm just not sure how much information there is to gain about the HERO from a casting that sounds so heavily modified. Now, if you can still see what kind of lip the grenade had, and all of the pitting it may or may not have had that wasn't all filled in during the modification of it, REG DES was visible in the cast and the like, that'd be very exciting, it just doesn't sound like that information is there from what you guys are alluding to.

@SethS raises a good question, Are there reprecussions for people having walked off set with a prop 40 years ago? Assuming they're not in showbusiness anymore, would Lucas/Disney go after them for revealing they were the one that stole it out from under the nose of the propmaster?

With any hope of ever seeing it again, I volunteer that whoever currently has possesion of the Obi-Wan Kenobi HERO(es) returns them to Lucas to be included in the Star Wars Museum. Unless of course it was buried with Sir Alec, and then in that case, I'm O.K. with him keeping it. He was Obi-Wan after all!
I'm stuck in a Customs holding cell buddy, can you bail a friend out? They didn't believe me when they checked my bag and started asking what all the metal objects were. "Well that's a sink drain, and that's a vintage motorcycle footpeg, that one's an exhaust clamp, this one's a pinion gear, and the last one is a sink knob." I said. They started in on me that I was importing without a license and I finally broke down and told them it was a Star Wars prop. Unfortunately I assembled it to show them I was telling them the truth, and then the one dude recognized it as a lightsaber, apparently he watched too many movies, 'cuz he yelled "That's the WEAPON of a Jedi Knight!", the other guys heard 'weapon' and since I was the one holding it, I'm the one that got tased and piled upon. Either I missed the joke, or the English really don't have a sense of humor. ;)

You may keep your V4 photos hidden. (Waves hand).

Seriously though, I lost interest at not the HERO. Not that I don't find it neat to know, I'm just not sure how much information there is to gain about the HERO from a casting that sounds so heavily modified. Now, if you can still see what kind of lip the grenade had, and all of the pitting it may or may not have had that wasn't all filled in during the modification of it, REG DES was visible in the cast and the like, that'd be very exciting, it just doesn't sound like that information is there from what you guys are alluding to.

@SethS raises a good question, Are there reprecussions for people having walked off set with a prop 40 years ago? Assuming they're not in showbusiness anymore, would Lucas/Disney go after them for revealing they were the one that stole it out from under the nose of the propmaster?

With any hope of ever seeing it again, I volunteer that whoever currently has possesion of the Obi-Wan Kenobi HERO(es) returns them to Lucas to be included in the Star Wars Museum. Unless of course it was buried with Sir Alec, and then in that case, I'm O.K. with him keeping it. He was Obi-Wan after all!

I think the easiest way out of the whole stolen prop thing is..

All they would have to say is it was a gift from joe momma or some random name that worked on the set

I think if Lucas film wanted them back, and they were given back with out a problem the owner of the "stolen" prop would face charges

But if they want to stay and fight.. they are in for a long expensive losing run...

Heck a long lost STOLEN r2 dome has resurfaced on a auction site asking a ridiculous amount of money.. lucasfilm and George Lucas himself haven't done a thing yet

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And here I am waiting for you to update the guide so I can understand what the hell im reading lol

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I THINK what we are reading is:

1. That a few differences have been recently spotted on grenade details that point to at least 3 different heroes (Tunisia, Death Star, and Chronicles), which I have mentioned in the guide already.

2. That outside of the V2 and V3 shared stunts which we know to be metal, there were several additional stunts made from resin and/or rubber whose greeblies maybe have inspired the direction of how the V2 and V3 were altered for ROTJ

3. Roger Shaw seems to have created the prop, not Roger Christian.
I THINK what we are reading is:

1. That a few differences have been recently spotted on grenade details that point to at least 3 different heroes (Tunisia, Death Star, and Chronicles), which I have mentioned in the guide already.

2. That outside of the V2 and V3 shared stunts which we know to be metal, there were several additional stunts made from resin and/or rubber whose greeblies maybe have inspired the direction of how the V2 and V3 were altered for ROTJ

3. Roger Shaw seems to have created the prop, not Roger Christian.

We need to find this roger Shaw, capture and interrogate him!! Who's with me! I'll get the torches!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I THINK what we are reading is:

1. That a few differences have been recently spotted on grenade details that point to at least 3 different heroes (Tunisia, Death Star, and Chronicles), which I have mentioned in the guide already.

2. That outside of the V2 and V3 shared stunts which we know to be metal, there were several additional stunts made from resin and/or rubber whose greeblies maybe have inspired the direction of how the V2 and V3 were altered for ROTJ

3. Roger Shaw seems to have created the prop, not Roger Christian.

resin rubber and fiberglass it seems.

Also, I think the filled-in casting was what inspired the metal stunts themselves, is what I read.. having to fill in the windvane, vertical grenade cuts and booster fins.

The ESB prop was resin.

There was a hero in the archives at some point. at least two-3 hero's exist. and there's another ANH era stunt I'm thinking of that is not solid resin, and is visible in that video featurette of the motorized graflex shaped tube we all gawked at. The saber on the right has a graflex clamp.
Screen Shot 2015-04-10 at 4.13.10 PM.png

There's also this ANH era stunt and im not sure where it fits in

resin rubber and fiberglass it seems.

Also, I think the filled-in casting was what inspired the metal stunts themselves, is what I read.. having to fill in the windvane, vertical grenade cuts and booster fins.

The ESB prop was resin.

There was a hero in the archives at some point. at least two-3 hero's exist. and there's another ANH era stunt I'm thinking of that is not solid resin, and is visible in that video featurette of the motorized graflex shaped tube we all gawked at. The saber on the right has a graflex clamp.
View attachment 738114

There's also this ANH era stunt and im not sure where it fits in

View attachment 738115

Which ESB prop? The "tool" or the BTS dueler?