Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Post-release)

What did you think of Star Wars: The Last Jedi?

  • It was great. Loved it. Don't miss it at the theaters.

    Votes: 154 26.6%
  • It was good. Liked it very much. Worth the theater visit.

    Votes: 135 23.4%
  • It was okay. Not too pleased with it. Could watch it at the cinema once or wait for home video.

    Votes: 117 20.2%
  • It was disappointing. Watch it on home video instead.

    Votes: 70 12.1%
  • It was bad. Don't waste your time with it.

    Votes: 102 17.6%

  • Total voters
Nothing really new there, as far as the Box office while I loathe the film as a Disney stockholder I will happily take those number ANY day :lol

Well, I think it does a good forensic job of putting it all in proper context in relation to other SW films, how it was distributed, where the numbers came from, where they didn't. Numbers don't lie but that certainly hasn't prevented anyone here from trying to misrepresent data to fit a narrative.

For stakeholders, a few hundred million either way makes little difference to the value of Disney.
LOL! Mark's comment is exactly what I said in regards to Luke's motivation for that scene.


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I fell in love with TFA. TLJ threw TFA out the window. I have been very angry with this movie for that. Now im not. My secret was that I took Rian Johnson's advise. To let the past die, kill it if you have to. It totally worked. As of yesterday I have completely written off this new trilogy and honestly it felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. See y'all in the Solo thread!
I understand N=1 opinions about experiences but my son is right now watching TFA, quoting dialogue, and asking when TLJ is coming out on home video. I know other kid do may not be as interested in these films but for me it’s fun to share this him.
I understand N=1 opinions about experiences but my son is right now watching TFA, quoting dialogue, and asking when TLJ is coming out on home video. I know other kid do may not be as interested in these films but for me it’s fun to share this him.

Sounds like you treasure the time you spend with your son ( children ) - if I may ask how old ?
Asking cause they’re times I miss regarding my own two , now - son ( 22 ) and daughter ( 21 ) both too busy with their own ‘ lives ‘ as most times it should be ! , but their childhood really did seem to fly by ! ... they both loved Star Wars too at the time ... not so much nowadays !?

Guess being a very busy single parent hid that fact ... Sorry to go off topic .

I understand N=1 opinions about experiences but my son is right now watching TFA, quoting dialogue, and asking when TLJ is coming out on home video. I know other kid do may not be as interested in these films but for me it’s fun to share this him.
Having a good night Bryan? :)
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I fell in love with TFA. TLJ threw TFA out the window. I have been very angry with this movie for that. Now im not. My secret was that I took Rian Johnson's advise. To let the past die, kill it if you have to. It totally worked. As of yesterday I have completely written off this new trilogy and honestly it felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. See y'all in the Solo thread!

That...seems counter to the notion of "let go of the past..."

Note: Bryan's general positivity sucked me back in.
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