First Time Custom Light-Saber Build


New Member
Hey everyone, i'm fairly new to prop building but i have been a lurker of this site for a couple years now. I decided that I wanted to build a light-saber of some kind as my first prop. I know its not the best, but I managed to keep it under 30$ so i'm quite proud. Its made mostly out of found parts with the exception of a piece of steel piping which I bought from my local hardware store. I'm a big fan of The Old Republic so I wanted to build a light-saber inspired from it. Enjoy!


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thanks man! The switch was taken from a vintage 1960s torchlight I found at a thrift shop. I actually used a 1900s sewing spindle for the grip as well. Its weird how you end up finding a use for stuff!
Very nice start, as propmainiac said, it does get addictive ! Everything you see in a thrift store/junk shop you will imagine it on your next saber build, when you see your wife’s car keys as your next addition to a saber !!! Take a step back
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