Limited Run Macro Instruction Manual and Paper Labels SELLING


Sr Member
Checking interest in a run of paper manuals and labels to make your own Macro case. The set will include the fully assembled manual, Tosche Station receipt, 2 logo labels and 2 seals. These will all be printed on regular paper. I tried printing these on label paper and you cannot weather them properly.

The total will be $43 including domestic shipping. For international please PM me for a total. There is a bit of work in the manual so maybe 30 days to delivery.


1. Timbuktu PAID Shipped
2. Trooper PAID. Shipped
3. Baptizer PAID. Shipped
4. Red Hawk PAID. Shipped

Let me know if you re interested and I will add you to the list.
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Re: Macro Instruction Manual and Paper Labels - Run Interest

Awesome I will take one, thanks for offering :) with US shipping to my prop builder if that's cool...
Re: Macro Instruction Manual and Paper Labels - Run Interest

We are a go. I will PM everyone. Still room for 3 more.
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