D.C.'s Supergirl (tv series)

The Jonn-centric episode may be my favorite that they have done overall in the series. It was fantastic.

I'm not overjoyed with the tone of the season so far, to be honest. I hated the season opener, and I was not pleased to see that we're still leaning heavily on otherwise smart people jumping to stupid conclusions to cause relationship drama, but there have also been some really lovely moments, such as Maggie confronting her dad about his homophobia.
Okay, I know we don't talk about this show much, but yeah, I still record it and watch it when I want to waste an hour.

After the last episode however, I have to say that I will at least give a hearty two thumbs-(y)thumbsupup to the casting director. Those two actors they got to play the younger Alex and Kara--- Man, that was some spot-on casting if I've ever seen it! For the first couple of seconds I was actually wondering if this show had somehow gotten the budget to de-age those characters. That thought only lasted a few seconds though, of course it was obviously different actors, but I could totally believe those two girls were younger versions of Kara and Alex.

It was kind of a Riverdale type episode, nothing special about it at all other than the casting, but I am willing to give praise where praise is due.

I agree. I kept looking for the hints of faking it ala Once Upon a Time where they overlay the actors faces somehow to make the younger ones look much more like the actual actors, but there was nothing.
Can we talk about the utter Doomsday-style curbstomp that Reign just handed to Kara along with her ass with postage due? I mean, talk about brutal.
Not particularly caring about Samantha Arias. And really, she's brand new and Kara is saying she and Lana are her best friends?!

Why does Jimmy, in his office running a media empire, need to watch local TV news to be informed?

Speaking of which, a "local" news anchor had a recognizable Canadian accent. She tried to mask the "aboot", but didn't quite succeed. :)

I hate it when a supposed impact crater is created by laying debris ON TOP of the regular surface. I know they can't dig up downtown Vancouver, but still.


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I also don't get how someone who is supposed to be running L-Corp can sleep in until 11 and make pancakes for her daughter. Shouldn't she be at work? We haven't seen her actually doing anything meaningful for a while now.
Not to mention they make a habbit out of showing her in her office well into the night with the daughter there being bored senseless.
Why does Jimmy, in his office running a media empire, need to watch local TV news to be informed?

Keeping an eye on the competition. Surely you've seen scenes in which an editor comes out complaining about how another newspaper got the scoop or whatever? They can only know that if they are reading the competing paper.
Keeping an eye on the competition. Surely you've seen scenes in which an editor comes out complaining about how another newspaper got the scoop or whatever? They can only know that if they are reading the competing paper.
Yes they do that. (I work in a newsroom.)
But by definition, for something to hit the air, news outlets have to hear about it first and send a crew. He would have heard about an event as big as that through his own newsgathering organization before anyone got it on TV.
Yes they do that. (I work in a newsroom.)
But by definition, for something to hit the air, news outlets have to hear about it first and send a crew. He would have heard about an event as big as that through his own newsgathering organization before anyone got it on TV.

It's a fictional newsroom so whatever serves the story is what happens. Not however it works in real life.
That's one of those "you can say that about anything" answers. It means nothing ever needs to make sense.

But it does.
That's one of those "you can say that about anything" answers. It means nothing ever needs to make sense.

But it does.

"That's not how that thing works in real life because I do that thing." is an objection often heard when talking about movies or television. The problem is that movies and TV are not real life and do not follow real rules. A tv/movie writers job is not slavish accuracy to real life, it's telling well-made stories.

If you think things "need to make sense", then make sense of this....

Physics - Let's talk about a person that can catch extremely heavy objects, but the ground never sinks in or collapses beneath her.
Medicine - Let's talk about a person that grew up on a high gravity world, but doesn't lose muscle mass on a low gravity world.
Materials - Let's talk about a costume made from Earth cloth that stands up to anything Supergirl does, including fire/lasers/etc.

It's easier to just accept that movies and tv will never be true to real life. That's why your answer is that the writers serve the story, not realism.
A well-made story about fantastical characters/events that take place in an otherwise "normal" world will make sense concerning normal aspects of that world. If it was a news feed from Daxam, then you'd have something.

Dude, it's a minor note I made, it's not like I said WORST SHOW EVER. It's not the biggest deal in the world. If you'd like to get one more shot in to have the last word, knock yourself out.
A well-made story about fantastical characters/events that take place in an otherwise "normal" world will make sense concerning normal aspects of that world. If it was a news feed from Daxam, then you'd have something.

Dude, it's a minor note I made, it's not like I said WORST SHOW EVER. It's not the biggest deal in the world. If you'd like to get one more shot in to have the last word, knock yourself out.

You mean normal aspects like Jimmy Olsen, newsman by day, Guardian by night? Well, there you go. He was too tired being Guardian to be up on his news game.

It's your argument that is being critiqued, not you. No need to get upset.
"That's not how that thing works in real life because I do that thing." is an objection often heard when talking about movies or television. The problem is that movies and TV are not real life and do not follow real rules. A tv/movie writers job is not slavish accuracy to real life, it's telling well-made stories.

If you think things "need to make sense", then make sense of this....

Physics - Let's talk about a person that can catch extremely heavy objects, but the ground never sinks in or collapses beneath her.
Medicine - Let's talk about a person that grew up on a high gravity world, but doesn't lose muscle mass on a low gravity world.
Materials - Let's talk about a costume made from Earth cloth that stands up to anything Supergirl does, including fire/lasers/etc.

It's easier to just accept that movies and tv will never be true to real life. That's why your answer is that the writers serve the story, not realism.

Honestly, those can all be answered by the fact that Superman and Supergirl are under a yellow sun. It nourishes them, giving them their power (meaning that technically they never have to eat, they just do because it's the human thing to do and because Kara LOVES to eat, a quality I find attractive in a woman), and one of thoae powers is that they generate a bioelectric field that surrounds their body, which their costumes are underneath. This is why bullets bounce off of them. Before you say anything about the cape, remember that Kara's cape is made from Kal's baby blanket, which, beong a Kryptonian material, is presumably why it survives what she does.
I got a lot of Batman vibes from that last episode, the takedown of the criminals at the dock with fast editing and black blurs was straight out of batman begins, and the beat down of Supergirl, along with dropping her off a roof was reminiscent of Bane (although not necessarily the movie Bane)
After the last episode however, I have to say that I will at least give a hearty two thumbs-(y)thumbsupup to the casting director. Those two actors they got to play the younger Alex and Kara--- Man, that was some spot-on casting if I've ever seen it!

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