Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Pre-release)


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Any one here have thoughts about the stuff in Battlefront II that takes place late in the story, just prior to TFA? There's going to be DLC dropping right around the time TLJ opens, set in the same period as these new films. I would imagine there's content that would be considered spoiler-y if it dropped even a day prior. One of the things that a lot of people are muttering about is a confrontation between one of the main characters and Kylo Ren...

A bit of context: The new game covers a big timespan. There's stuff early on around the time of the Battle of Yavin and it covers an Imperial spec-ops squad (Inferno Squad) all the way through to the Battle of Endor, the death of the Emperor, the Contingency, Operation: Cinder, the Battle of Jakku, and later activities. They go from being loyal Imperials to being branded traitors and forced to throw in with the Rebellion/New Republic. At some point as stability returns to the galaxy, two of the main characters get married and have a daughter.

What people are getting excited about is that, after Kylo captures and is interrogating one of them, he sneers about how nothing he's done can erase his past, who he truly is, yadda yadda. Specifically, Kylo scoffs at him thinking having a daughter "twenty years ago" would have really changed him. People are wondering if these are Rey's mystery parents, and whether they'll show up anywhere in the movies. Additional fodder in that one former member of the squad that the main characters shot down after he turned on them shows up as an officer in the First Order late in the game.

I'm not finding them on any of the character lists for TLJ, but I expect Lucasfilm to be playing things pretty close to the vest until the film is out.

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