ROGUE ONE K-2SO Puppet Build

Re: ROGUE ONE K-2SO Puppet Build - Finished (Pictures)

Beautiful work! Congratulations! When do we get to see a walking video? :-D
Re: ROGUE ONE K-2SO Puppet Build - Finished (Pictures)

Uploaded some more videos to YouTube.

I present, K-2SO walking

and K-2SO dancing

More video and photos are forthcoming.
I'm planning a live twitch stream to showcase his parts and assembly close up. I will post the date and time once we're closer but subscribe here if you want a twitch notification.
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Re: ROGUE ONE K-2SO Puppet Build - Finished (Pictures)

Some shots from K2-Kam! This is the GoPro I put in his abs section to capture reactions as K-2SO walked around.
My good friend R2-D2 said hello.

Getting a shot of the maker.

This is the best shot! Everyone loves K2!

My favorite K-2SO shirt is a reference to Alan's character in Firefly who wears Hawaiian shirts and plays with toy dinosaurs. I got a 2XL shirt for K2 to recreate this shot. Now I just need the toys.

Speaking of toys, I finally picked up the K-2SO LEGO buildable figure.

Time for some reworking of the harness. It just puts his torso too far from me and the weight of that wears me out.

Fortunately everything is screwed together so no glue to make things difficult.

I traced the original harness shape to compare after making modifications.

After making it much shorter and swapping out the 45* fittings for some pivot ones it was getting better.

I heated up many of the components with my heat gun to expand them over the slightly too large angle joints. I also pressed everything close together against the harness.

Bending the PVC around the lower angle joint.

This version was too high and needed to be lowered about 6".

Version 2 had K-2SO tilting very far back and 6" too high for his legs to connect.

Version 3 lowered his torso and still kept him closer to me. I still need to balance him some. I saw another K-2SO cosplayer make some loops for their legs and make connections that way. I might make leg loops and connect those over my shoulders to the harness. That might transfer some of the load to my legs and help my back.

K2 sure does like dressing up. He said he wanted a cape too like his friend GG.

More pictures and photo shoots coming soon.

I've created an events page for K2 appearances. His first one so far is slated for Comic Con Palm Springs on August 26th.
Re: ROGUE ONE K-2SO Puppet Build - Finished (Pictures)

Update on K-2SO! I'm performing some of my K-2.0 updates such as the knees and hands. I've already moved the harness closer to his body to help with the weight layout.
I'm so excited to start teaching foam classes at the Vocademy Maker Space out in Riverside California this summer! This is a great place with an awesome vision for educating makers.


I took my first class as well, Laser 1. Made this little K-2SO coin.

Also per the advice of Evil Ted I picked up a Kershaw sharpener to keep my blades sharp.

Doing vector work on the new linkage based hands. The best part of this is the pull line will have to move only around a centimeter to make the whole finger curl.
These will be cut out of mdf layers with the laser and fashioned together with Chicago screws. I need to make a prototype before finishing the other 4 fingers.

Got a dark gray jumpsuit for this Sunday's photo shoot. This will semi-hide me behind K2.

Another Home Depot run, this time for a 1-1/2" coupler for the improved knee joint.

First I carefully removed the outer two plates and any extra foam inside the knee.

Then I shaped down the coupler to about a third of the fitting, notching one of the corners.

These were held in place by two pipe clamps.

And secured with a wide head screw to keep them from accidentally overlapping.

Now the knees don't over extend they also will allow K2 to take his own weight while I am standing.

I glued the outer two plates back on the knees with super glue and put K-2SO on his new rolling cart. This will let me get him from my car to the changing space in one trip at future events. Still need to figure out a way to attach his stand without zip ties so it breaks down fully.

Also picked up some auto letters.

My car may be dirty but the back looks good!

I'm going to add a pin to the connection coupler and possibly move his feet closer. Those would be the only two upgrades I'm attempting before Sunday. The rest will wait until I can put him in the shop for longer. I cannot wait to show you all pictures from this shoot we have planned. 22 Rogue One characters, 3 photographers! It's going to be epic!


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Re: ROGUE ONE K-2SO Puppet Build - K-2.0 Upgrades

I can't tell from that pic what you've got the zip ties attached to, but would those heavy-duty velcro ties work? Similar to the kind you sometimes see used for cable management, but I've seen heavy-duty ones at the hardware store.
Re: ROGUE ONE K-2SO Puppet Build - K-2.0 Upgrades

I can't tell from that pic what you've got the zip ties attached to, but would those heavy-duty velcro ties work? Similar to the kind you sometimes see used for cable management, but I've seen heavy-duty ones at the hardware store.

That's a good idea. They are tied from the supporting pole stand to the handle of the cart.
Re: ROGUE ONE K-2SO Puppet Build - K-2.0 Upgrades

Another few hours working on K-2SO. I trimmed down the shoulder rings. This looks much more like the reference images.

His right shoulder has a bit of a different cut. I need to either paint over some of the yellow to balance it out or cut more away.

Added a pin to the mounting point. No more friction hold.

This keeps K2 nice and tight in the harness. But I can disengage him in only a few seconds if I need to.

I did my first test walk after moving the harness around and with the new knee stops. He's walking great. The knee stops actually add some friction to those joints which helps his gait. Just a little touch of black on the harness is needed before Sunday. The rest of the K-2.0 upgrades will take place after the photo shoot.

He sits on his cart perfectly. This will really help in moving him around the photo shoot and at cons.
Re: ROGUE ONE K-2SO Puppet Build - K-2.0 Upgrades

Outstanding!!! Speechless to say the least. Your dedication to the project and result are to be highly commended. Love it!!
Re: ROGUE ONE K-2SO Puppet Build - Photo Shoot

Pictures are just starting to come in from the Etiwanda Power Plant photo shoot. These turned out more incredible than I could imagine. It was a high of 108 degrees that day but we knocked it out with over 20 characters and 3 photographers. I'm not sure if this is the first time someone has gotten the entire main Rogue One team together for a shoot, but it was so much fun shooting with these talented costumers.

Take the Next Chance JBA

Back in Black JBA

Smoke KN

The Team KN

These pictures by JBayon Art and Katya Noemy

I can't wait to show you more! This is but a fraction of what we took.
It was hot but so much fun hanging out with these talented people.
Re: ROGUE ONE K-2SO Puppet Build - Photo Shoot

Absolutely fantastic I've just looked at the link for the photo shoot " brilliant "
Re: ROGUE ONE K-2SO Puppet Build - Photo Shoot

I'm bringing my K-2SO puppet to San Diego Comic Con tomorrow (Saturday)! Hope to see many Star Wars fans and take some great pictures. And of course check out that amazing Sideshow K2 sculpture.

Re: ROGUE ONE K-2SO Puppet Build - Attending SDCC Saturday

K-2SO made it down to San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) to see the K-2SO 1:1 statue by Sideshow! This was an impromptu trip but a lot of fun.

I made our way to my first stop, the Sideshow Collections booth. I had only 2 things on my list for the day and seeing the 1:1 scale K-2SO model was one of them. A man with a video camera seemed to be interviewing in front of the statue and was very surprised to see ANOTHER K-2SO standing behind him. I got some great shots with the model and pictures with some of the Sideshow booth staff.


This is my favorite picture of the two of them. Though it makes me a little sad. It looks like K2 is viewing a memorial made out to the members of Rogue One.


Did you know that wasn't me?




Dad I want my own action figure!




Our second stop was the Lucasfilm Star Wars booth where we posed for our picture in front of their awesome Rebel HQ display. This area also had a nice spot on thick carpet with some AC flow where we set up camp for half an hour for pictures. Many people took shots with us and enjoyed all of our costumes.


My little friend.


K2 wants to be a Jaeger when he grows up.


With LEGO Luke.


BB-8 what have they done to you?


Go big or go home.


We're all Imperials here....




Major malfunction! After about 20 feet I felt a pop and the top connection bolt that held K2 to my chest harness broke. He started to pitch forward and I sat myself down on a short barricade pillar to conduct some emergency repairs. I couldn't remove K2 on my own so I shimmied out of the top of my gray coveralls and lengthened the straps of my harness to make a cross connection over the connection pipe, strapping it together for the time being. K2 made it inside but the modifications were extremely tight on my chest and I was sweating buckets from the humidity and exertion. I found a 501st Legion friend who helped me secure a chair to sit in for a moments rest and procured a handful of zip-ties from a nearby booth for more permanent repairs.


Joined several of my R2 and BB-8 builder friends for dinner a few blocks from the con. Taking K2 off after 8 hours felt amazing. He weathered the trip well.


I received many positive comments on K2 and the puppeteering behind him. Everyone seemed to get a kick out of the camera/monitor setup I had to see in front of me. I even had someone who worked on Rogue One tell me she loved the puppet and was going to share my picture with one of the editors.
K-2SO is a great character and everyone loved seeing him walking around the booth alleys. Though i'll need to put some shop time in fixing his harness system he performed very well under intense con conditions. Though it was quite a workout wearing him for almost 8 hours. I can't wait to complete his neck servo and hand upgrades for future events and conventions. Thank you San Diego, we had a blast!
















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Re: ROGUE ONE K-2SO Puppet Build - SDCC Pictures

My droid builder friend Kurt ZImmerman of the Michigan Droid Builders created a unique 1940's R2 called Artoo Deco. You can see the build album here.
He recently did a run of Artoo Deco shirts and I had to get one for K-2SO!


It's been hard to figure out K2's size as he has a very broad chest and a small waist. I put a 3XL into my shopping cart but at the last minute upped it to a 4XL. I'm glad I did as the 4x barely fit him.


The linebacker!

It's handy that his arms are removable, as that makes him much easier to dress than my toddler.

I still need to finish recreating my favorite K-2SO shirt with the Hawaiian shirt and dinosaurs. But K2's wardrobe is growing.

Still working on the designs for the hands and neck but another project is taking up my funds and time. I'm building my garage into a Death Star theme and workspace. Not the one from the above picture, but an actual house garage. 19' x 19' of storage, building and geekery! I can't wait!


But I'll get to his hand upgrades by the end of the year. He needs to improve his high-five game.
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It's been a while since I posted. But I was waiting on my scallop bandsaw blade to cut the foam, and I'm so glad I waited. It was difficult to be patient and wait for the proper tools. I really wanted to start cutting out my joint pucks but I think I would have ruined them with the wood bandsaw blade.

I templated out based on my joint plans which you saw in my last post.

Again drawing on the book wrapping paper which had a 1/2" grid on it. I made the Knee, Elbow, Ankle and Wrist templates.

Here I'm making sure my 2" mirrors will fit inside the foam cut outs to create the "hollow" effect. Same for all of the joints. I have 2" mirrors for the smaller three and 2.5" mirrors for the knees.

I traced everything out using silver sharpie on my foam stacks I glued earlier. Each stack is made out of 10mm foam layers joined together with Barge contact cement. By using the templates as a mask All I need to do is remove the silver edge to be right along my cut line.

Again repeating the process for the wrist, ankle, elbow and knee. The ones I crossed out the middle circle is to remind me not to cut out the inner circle. These are the 40mm blanks that will be trimmed around the spider joint.

Cutting day is here! I've changed the wood saw blade out for my scallop blade. That was a harrowing event. Always respect your power tools for the moment you don't they will hurt you. I made sure the saw was unplugged and followed the manual exactly to add the blade and calibrate it.

Just image its a self-cutting knife on repeat forever! Don't get your fingers near this.

This shows the difference between the two bandsaw blades I have. The lower was using the wood blade, the top using the foam scallop blade. Night and Day!

I cut pucks from 20mm to 50mm, being sure to remove all of the silver mask to make the circles the right diameter. This is two 40mm pucks and they came out great. They look like an 80mm stack cut at the same time!

And repeat over and over for each one. Here are the wrists.

This is a knee or elbow. They are only 1/2" difference so hard to tell.

I live streamed some of my work on And will continue to do so as the project continues.

Now with everything cut out I trimmed the middle out of a few end pieces for tests. I still need to cut 90% of them out but I may drill out some of it. I need to find a balance between the bandsaw and sanding. These are not sanded on the inside yet but I want them to be relatively smooth.

This is the first look at the "hollow" effect I'm going for with the mirrors. I'll still need to see it with the whole arm in place but I think the illusion will work. Or at least look better than solid joints.

This is the ankle. You can see the 20mm end caps with the 40mm center blank. I need to work out the angles each joint will move between before I trim the center blank to allow for the movement.

I've added a spacer on the knees for this picture as I haven't made the center 40mm blanks for the knees yet. I ran out of 10mm foam so I need to order some more.

Here's the elbow pice placed over the spider joint.

I'm holding the 3 slices together and the middle one is jutting out but you get the idea of how the joint will look. I'm very happy with how these pices came out.

My next design step is for the control linkages for the hands. I believe I will make these out of mdf or wood. This sketch isn't quite to scale but outlines how the finger tube lines will run from my glove to the hands. I want to keep as much of this hidden inside the arm. I also need to finish/start his hands.

Tomorrow is a holiday so I'm going to try to get a lot more done on either hand design/construction or getting the feet templated, cut, formed and starting on the legs.
But still, patience. I don't want to rush even though I'm on a deadline. He will get done when he gets done.
I also need to send my 3d head files to my friends with printers to get that moving.

40 days left!

Thanks again everyone for your support of my K-2SO puppet build. Please follow along at if you want to watch while I work on K2.


Not planning on doing a whole lotta foam work in the near future, but this has convinced me that I need one for my band saw. Time to start digging through the internet. Thanks Darren!
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