Toys Of Our Youth

I still remember being in TRU to buy a toy for a birthday or something. That MASK Firefly vehicle was what I wanted, but my mom looked at the front "stabilizer" things and said the plastic would probably break there where it bent. I still got it and it never broke. I had several others, but none of those.

I played with that Firefly ALL the time!
I had this when I was a young lad, it looked like a radio, but when you clicked a button the barrel popped out, the buttstock swung 'round, and it turned into a cap rifle:

AgentZeroMRadioRifleClosed.jpgzero m and dr. dreadful 005.JPGzero m and dr. dreadful 003.JPG

Best. Toy. Ever.
I had that CHiPs copter! Although I could never get my head around the fact that the copter was more suited for 12 inch figures like the older GI Joe or Bionic Man, but the ONLY Chips figure was the 8 inch version by MEGo...and he was lost in the gigantic cockpit.

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Lots of fancy lads here, we had rocks and dirt and and.... sticks!
Ahh sticks. I miss sticks. Not the fancy precut sticks you got today either,
we had to grow our own trees and cut our own sticks!
Never had a log, always dreamed of getting a log.

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I would have loved that when I was little. I had all kinds of toy guns. Apparently that makes you a bad parent now...
All my friends had toy guns of one sort or another growing up, and we all had various and sundry .22 rifles and pellet guns. None of us grew up to be criminals, none of us have even ever fired a shot in anger.
Anybody remember The Strange Change Machine, sometimes called the Time Machine? My oldest brother got one as a gift in the late 60's and then I inherited it in the late 70's. I still think it's one of the coolest toys ever made. Great box art, too. And it was built mostly out of metal so to a kid it felt like a serious machine:

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Yep that was another hand me down for me. Nothing like giving a young kid an AC powered hot plate as a toy!
I had the He Man Slime Pit that came with that!

I remember throwing some up and it stuck to the ceiling and my uncle had to use a blow dryer to get it to fall off. :lol I never got it in the carpet though.

My 10 yo. niece has been making all kinds of slime like a machine. She uses recipes off of Youtube. I wish I had that because once the slime for the pit was gone I don't remember ever getting more!
Yeah, you were the hero of the neighborhood if you had that. I think the biggest GI Joe toy I had was the Tomahawk helicopter.
that was like the holy grail!

Tons of kids in my hood... almost every vehicle among us... but no one with the carrier or space shuttle.

I had the chance to buy the carrier a few years back, and almost did... But where do you put something that big?!

Same here. I had a lot of vehicles, but neither of those. It was too expensive so I couldn't get it. A neighbor kid, who was that kid who got all the cool expensive toys, had one. He sold it at a garage sale and my friend got it for next to nothing. We spent an afternoon trying to figure out how to put it together. It was pretty cool though. We ran into a problem because I cut the wheels off my GI JOE F-14 (Striker? What was it called?) because I wanted the wings to move like a real F-14 and not just swing open when the gear was down. :lol

The biggest vehicle I had was the Rolling Thunder. It caused arguments because I said the missiles were nukes and my friend always lost the battle.
We ran into a problem because I cut the wheels off my GI JOE F-14 (Striker? What was it called?) because I wanted the wings to move like a real F-14 and not just swing open when the gear was down. :lol

The biggest vehicle I had was the Rolling Thunder. It caused arguments because I said the missiles were nukes and my friend always lost the battle.

I should post pics of what I did to my mogwai... I gave it a haircut cuz the movie version didn't look like it has long hair.

As far as friends losing their battles... I had Storm Shadow, and he was a super ninja that could beat any vehicle with precision slicing.

They couldn't even argue cuz we ALL worshipped Storm Shadow.