Hot Toys Luke Skywalker Hoth blaster…seriously?!


Master Member
So I was playing about with my Hot Toys Luke today, and I noticed THIS!
They used a Denix as a reference! The well known Diamond shape on the left side!
I just found this hysterical!


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Wow either that or we've come full circle and they used a Boba Debt replica for reference! :lol: I hope it's that because it would be so ridiculous when they should have access to the archives!
No greeblies on the left side, I can forgive that so as not to damage the holster. But the Denix diamond?
I don't think they have access to the archives. Even so, it doesn't excuse the lack of accuracy, minor detail as it may be. Their ANH Luke had an ESB Graflex...

Hot Toys accuracy is so and so. On some figures they have good accuracy, on others they simply don't care. The same with accessories.

Last year I talked to Denix officials by email regarding the Sterling SMG they want to release some day and I explained at length what was wrong with their image below, and what are the differences between L2A3 and C1. So this goes beyond companies like Hot Toys, Sideshow, Gentle Giant etc.

Denix SUGERENCIAS TOP_11 modelos_1_English.jpg
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That's hilarious, and somehow not surprising.

A large chunk of licensed Firefly products featuring the "Vera" rifle used my replica photos as reference! I know this because the first version, which is the one that turns up most on Google, has an inaccurate night vision scope, and one of the parts was backwards due to my haste in putting the photo shoot together.