Spacebobs Power Droid Plans

Thought I'd post this.
I finally thought I'd try my hand at 3d modelling and seeing as I'd spent time working out some dimensions the gonk is my first ever project.

Based on the sandcrawler power droid but with main body dimensions taken from the homestead gonk. I still haven't done the feet though.... these are my blocky feet.

Reference for this one is very very scarce. Screen grabs are about it :)
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Wow that 1:6 gnk is fantastic, I've ordered a 3d printer and will have a crack at printing out the sandcrawler gonk I'm modelling in my last post.
i'm going to try him 1:12 scale first and then see about different scales after.....
Cool, thought you'd like that - I was really feeling the weathering and the way the paint looks a bit oxidised.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with, keep us posted.
Had some questions about the greeblies on my gonk ...



the round exhaust things on his right, are just bits of junk cut and glued together. there are some things you put under chair feet to stop them ruining carpet right on the outside then pipe and then thin plywood.



the antenna is the back plate of a thermostat, then a square wooden perfume bottletop and then a bit from the centre of an umbrella, oh and lego.
hope it helps @HB1098S
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I think I'll put him on shapeways if I can finish it and if it prints ok Marvin3242
I understand there's a bit of work to be done to make it print ready, something to do with slicer software? Don't really know yet.
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I think I'll put him on shapeways if I can finish it and if it prints ok @Marvin3242
I understand there's a bit of work to be done to make it print ready, something to do with slicer software? Don't really know yet.

Yeah it can be a bit of a pain. I'm just now getting the hang of it myself. What software are you using to model?
I'm using sketchup and I really could do with some advice if anyone out there knows?
Is sketchup considered professional enough to learn if this ailing carpenter wanted a less physical job like 3d modelling?
Should I be learning some other program?
I just started this build this weekend with the help of this thread. Those 3D renders are great too. Thanks for all the help so far and posting here.
The more accurate. I do think it's cool to do something else with it, especially all that empty space but I haven't decided yet if I'll add any alternate use for it. I thought maybe just turn it into something like a jukebox that plays music and have the greebles do something in that vain but who knows. I have so many projects and so little time :)
I'm wondering pandabarnes
did you happen to save the pictures from that blue power droid model link you posted a while back? The pics don't work on it anymore.
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Hey guys, new to the site. I built a Power Droid years ago, pretty good but too large. Anyway...after years of combing the internet for photos of the New Hope Power Droid I'm excited to say I know of a pic that to my knowledge has never been posted ANYWHERE! It's of the back of the Sandcrawler Power Droid. This should help all you builders that want the back of your droid to be as accurate as the front. Enjoy!!



  • PD.jpg
    468.1 KB · Views: 355
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Hey guys, new to the site. I built a Power Droid years ago, pretty good but too large. Anyway...after years of combing the internet for photos of the New Hope Power Droid I'm excited to say I know of a pic that to my knowledge has never been posted ANYWHERE! It's of the back of the Sandcrawler Power Droid. This should help all you builders that want the back of your droid to be as accurate as the front. Enjoy!!

Wow, very cool to see these details. Thanks for posting this.
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