Legio Custodes-The Horus Heresy (Warhammer 40K)


Active Member
/!\ I'm not fluent in English /!\

Good evening !
I'm almost halfway through this build, but I guess it's never too late to start a thread about it...

It's mostly based on GW's miniatures, with my own take on the helmet and a few other things.

About the build itself:
-it's made out of foam. Everything that's light grey is 10mm thick EVA with a density of 100kg/m3. The rest is craft foam.
-it's adapted to my on height (and I'm a short girl *cries in corner*), for practical reasons.
-I made my own templates for this, the only exceptions being the pauldrons and the toe part of the boots, which are based on Space Marine pepakura files (JF's custom foam files)
-I put wood glue on my armor (I know, I shouldn't put glue on foam...) use black gesso s an underlayer and drybrush acrylics with scraps of upholstery foam

And now some progress pictures !

I started with the shins (I think that's what those are called in English ?). The patterns for the back of the leg armor are based on my Inquisitor Greyfax's legs, which are themselves based on my glass armor's...
Those pieces are large enough for my foot and leg to go through without having to open them.

I tried to make the eagle symetrical and miserably failed, as always. I guess it's not that bad from a distance.

I then made the tassets and belt. The engravings on the belt piece (the round thing) were made with a wood burning tool.

Those are the first pieces I painted. Sadly, I'm still a terrible painter even after one year of building armors :( and the light is crap.


The next step was...the pauldrons (what would Custodians and Space Marine armors be without those). As I said earlier, they're based on a pepakura file. I chose my scale (a bit randomly), printed the pattern and there re-drew some parts (it was easier for me than modifying the files).
I didn't have to worry too much about the seams since most of them are hidden by the details. I still put craft foam over the pauldrons so I wouldn't have to smooth them (LAZYNESS). Plus craft foam is cheap and stretches easily...

It might no be too visible on this picture, but the...huh...underlayer (I mean what's under the eagle) is textured (I made this with a wood burning tool).
Here are both pauldrons (paint job in progress, and the light is crap as usual).
Those bathroom rugs are stunning.

And now...the chestplate...I made it piece by piece, as I do not see well in space and was unable to make a pattern for the whole chestplate at once. So I can't say much about this part, I built it directly on the mannequin.
There's even an eagle in the back ! Too bad that it will be covered by my helmet's plume...
(Some progress on the front)

I also started building the helmet. At this point, it looks more like an eldar helmet than my actual eldar helmet. Don't pay attention to the "plume", I just put a wig on top of the helmet for the picture.


That's the current state of the armor at the moment.

Now, let's talk a bit about props. I'm going to build a guardian spear (it should be able to shoot nerf ammo), but I fell in love with custodes vexillas and shields...

After cutting, sanding and engraving more than one hundred feather-like pieces of foam for my Baharroth cosplay, i thought I had seen enough wings for the rest of the year.
I know, it's big, but a banner is meant to be seen from far away. I'm really sorry about my stupid face, I was facing the sun.

Let's not forget the shield ! Which is missing...a lot of stuff.

Thanks for reading me ;)

PS: this post is kinda messy for the moment, sorry ^^


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Subbed! This level of EVA foam work is stunning. Also the paint job on the shoulders is spot on. Is the miniature painted by you aswell?

That is some really fine and detailed work. And I recognize that foam, is it from a Belgian shop ???

This is looking absolutely brilliant so far!
Thank you !

Subbed! This level of EVA foam work is stunning. Also the paint job on the shoulders is spot on. Is the miniature painted by you aswell?

That is some really fine and detailed work. And I recognize that foam, is it from a Belgian shop ???

Thanks a lot !
No, the pictures are from the 360° view on GW's website, I totally forgot to precise this, my bad.

And you're right, the foam is from Cosplay Shop Select Style !
I knew it! There is only one shop in europe where you can find that foam.

I'm partially responsible for the creation of that shop. I came in looking for eva foam to build my iron man suit (my first cosplay ever). And things grew from there.
He was the only person I could find that had EVA foam. After my build was finished I put my focus on other things. Meanwhile he attracted more cosplayers and a couple of them helped rework the apolstry shop to a full fledged cosplay shop. When I went back a year later my jaw hit the floor. Totally reworked shop and racks full of foam and cosplay materials.

Just read your glass armor thread. Amazing work!! You say you 'still can't paint' but that has to be a typo... .

This work is so breathtaking so far already wow! I love it so much, especially the banner I'm definitely looking forward to more, and your paintjob is lovely too

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I knew it! There is only one shop in europe where you can find that foam.

I'm partially responsible for the creation of that shop. I came in looking for eva foam to build my iron man suit (my first cosplay ever). And things grew from there.
He was the only person I could find that had EVA foam. After my build was finished I put my focus on other things. Meanwhile he attracted more cosplayers and a couple of them helped rework the apolstry shop to a full fledged cosplay shop. When I went back a year later my jaw hit the floor. Totally reworked shop and racks full of foam and cosplay materials.

Just read your glass armor thread. Amazing work!! You say you 'still can't paint' but that has to be a typo... .

I got the shop name from Kamui cosplay, ordered out of curiosity. I liked it, I stayed.
And thanks for the glass armor ! To be honest, I never like what I do. Especially when it comes to paintjobs. Each time I see a picture of one of my costumes, I only see the negative side.

This work is so breathtaking so far already wow! I love it so much, especially the banner I'm definitely looking forward to more, and your paintjob is lovely too

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Thank you !

I started painting my vexilla yesterday, here is the thing so far...This picture was taken at night, it's super shiny under the sunlight.
Yes, that's a paper eye.
The whole build is inspirational. Please keep us updated with your progress.

I love your vexilla. My attempt at a double aquila for my psyker was a dud so I started on my Adeptus Ministorum priest instead. Had fun making a servo skull so far.
Thanks a lot for the sweet comments ! (and unorthodoxdesign, that claw looks dope *_*)

I haven't much to show, but here's the current state of my pauldrons. You probably can't see it, but the dots on the left one form a star chart (with the constellation names and all). I think I'm gonna call this "the five minutes paintjob", I only put my "flat" colors.

View attachment custodes.jpg
These 'five min paint jobs' are insane -.-. Great job!
Thank you ^^ I only brushed some color on, it's all thanks to the paint in fact... The glass armor has been stuck in the "5min paint job" state since November 2016, because it was rushed before the con and I still haven't finished painting it...

Sorry about the lack of updates, I was busy with my (third) Eldar build. Here is some progress on my elbow guard...thing ("5min paint job" again).
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