Definitive Harley Quinn suicide squad thread

For those in the LA area, the Warner Bros Studio Tour is adding a Suicide Squad exhibit on the 24th. There are already good shots of things showing up.

You can get tour tickets for 39.20 on groupon using code sale3 today. Regular price 62, which I'm sure no one ever pays, but this might be the biggest savings you can find.
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dc-universe-the-exhibit-84-600x407.jpgdc-universe-the-exhibit-83-600x449.jpg imso replicating this and jokers 1911
hey all! finally completed my costume in time for a local con and figured i'd show it off for you guys! i'm super proud of the results; especially considering i'm a male! :eek


as far as construction goes, the only pieces I wore that weren't built or modified by me were the glove, belt, and fishnets. all purchases through amazon!

my modifications were as follows:
the shirt i bought from redbubble as a blank (except the font) white men's long-sleeve tee, which was cut down, dyed, HEAVILY hand-tailored, and detail stitched. the bat is a full length louisville slugger, hand lettered with sharpie--you know the deal there. boots were cheap knockoffs which i made more accurate by adding red around the openings and under the black side stripes. shorts were actually two pairs hand-stitched together, and the bra i wore was a cheap black bra with the cups painted red for accuracy (and support, lacking breasts!)

the rest was hand-built:
all of the bracelets and the choker were cut from a raw leather belt, painted, and had either cone beads or craft foam lettering glued on.
the holster was hand-sewn from pleather and constructed with curtain rings and silver-painted googly eyes as rivets, as no craft store sells 18-20mm studs!
the rings (as i had asked about earlier, and thank you for the fantastic information!) i built with sculpey and a lot of trial and error.
my favorite piece, the pistol, started as a blueprint traced onto six layers of corrugated cardboard which i cut out, glued together, and then built up and smoothed out with a TON of wood filler and sandpaper until i was content. at that point it was spray painted and hand-detailed, with the jester on the grip made from sculpey.

hair is my own, chalked, and makeup and tattoos were self-applied!

big thank you to everyone on the thread for so much great info, i couldn't have done it without you guys!


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And here it is, my finished cosplay!! It was a huge hit at con!! ^_^ SO happy with the way it turned out and definitely could not have done it without help from my talented friends!!
My gun was made from wood by a friend and painted by me. I'm going to re-paint it with better paint and seal it (I received it from him last minute ^_^;) when I have time, but for now... :)


I found the jacket for a decent price on ebay from a US-based seller so I thought it was safe, buuuut unfortunately they had gotten it from China. When I got it the sleeves were all poofy with cotton lining and jacket did not fit right at all, was very unflattering...fortunately I have a very talented seamstress friend who took it completely apart, took out the cotton lining, cut it shorter to make it the proper length, re-stitched it and added gold studs to the lettering to give it a unique touch. ^_^ She also made the shorts and sewed the fabric onto the glove. :D

I bought the collar on Etsy, but painted it with gold glitter. :) I skipped out on the "Yes Sir" wrist cuffs to save some money, but I may obtain them later on. I wanted to print the tattoos but, of course, my printer broke that very day so I had to draw them on myself. The boots are from China-based seller; thus far I have not seen where else to get them from unless you go the custom-made/Etsy route which...$$$ Haha. But they actually weren't too bad to wear and they held up fine. :)

Question: Has anyone done the red and blue hair thingies? If so, how would you go about getting them? A minor detail, but something I'd like to add in the future nonetheless. :)

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First time posting on this site!
Thanks to Manimaloden for writing out the poem and pensive for posting pics of the Factory Entertainment replica, I'm pretty sure I got the entire bat text.

Hush little baby don't say a word
Mama's gonna kill for you
the whole damn world. And if the
world should wonder why, Mama's
gonna make it cry and cry
All the weirdos and the freaks won't
lay a finger on me, 'cause everyone
knows who's my baby. Hahahahahaha
Hey baby want me to teach
these losers a lesson? Eat your
heart out. Hush little baby
don't say a word. Mama's gonna
kill for you the whole damn
world. And if the world don't
wonder why, Mama's gonna
make them cry and cry
And laugh and laugh. I mean
tears of laughter. Oh my
God you're funny
You're killing me!
Laughter and lies
puddin and pie.
All the weirdos and
freaks can't lay
a finger on me. Everyone knows
who's my baby. My baby
likes me to wear a
smile to work. Good thing I
like to swing this bat.
Does that make me batty?
You're killing me. Am
I killing you? Wanna play?

Then in red, diagonally between the lines:
Hush little baby
Mama's gonna kill for you
You're the whole damn world
Killing me
You're so funny
No I'm
Hush little baby
Killing you
You're killing me

I got one of those foam bats because I'll be wearing my costume at the movie theatre and they have a no weapons policy, obviously. They allowed light sabers and my toy Rey staff, so I assume a foam bat will be acceptable.
Hey guys! First post! Woot!!

I wanted to share some info about Harley's ring and how I've been working with a 3D artist to build it. Most of you are probably familiar with the design...


I've sent my model to be printed today and I should have it by the 29th. I'm going to check the size before it's cast in metal and plated gold. The first version will be white plastic.

Here's a preview of the hyena side...


I was able to get hold of the jeweler in Canada who created the original and a few other pieces for the film. He confirmed it is a hyena skull.
That's cool that you're getting it printed. My first thought was to make it out of sculpy, but then it wouldn't have the moveable joint. My new plan is to buy a cheap gold jointed ring on Amazon, then make the jester skull and hyena skull out of sculpy and Frankenstein it together. If it doesn't work, I'll still have a generic joint ring that will look ok from a distance!
I would absolutely pay for a second commission of that if you (and the creator!) are willing. I've found some hyena pendants online, to try and create a somewhat similar imitation, but for something of this caliber, it'd be worth an investment. :D

I hadn't planned on making more than one, but I think it's something I could do. It would need to be resized for you though.

I'll post again once my own test model comes in.
I hadn't planned on making more than one, but I think it's something I could do. It would need to be resized for you though.

I'll post again once my own test model comes in.

That would be stellar! I have small hands, but I can always pad my fingers w/bandages if need be, lol. I can't wait to see your prototype! :D
I'll post some progress pics of my upgrades (I debuted this version of Harley at Dragon Con last year)... my finished bat, yay!

Another project I'm working on is the ear cuff with rhinestone safety pins... and like me, you may have had a VERY difficult time trying to figure out how to replicate it, so I wanted to share my plans.


I've decided to add my own spin to the ear cuff itself. Normally I'm a stickler for keeping the original design, but Joker's Bat Symbol leggings gave me an idea... I see the leggings as a big "middle finger" to Batman, and I wanted to do something like that for my Harley costume.

I found a really awesome bat flock ear cuff (pic and link below) on Etsy. My plan is to have a jeweler drill holes through the bat wings for the safety pins and then have the piece gold plated.

The other part of the ear cuff, gold-plated rhinestone safety pins, were a major challenge to find. I probably searched for about 3-4 weeks before I found the perfect ones (pic and link below)... and they weren't cheap. I payed $67 for 2 pairs. I also had to ask the seller to gold plate them, since the originals are silver, but that was no problem. I received them today and the exact size is 1 1/4in.

I hope this info will help some of you!
Anyone find a good place to buy blank bats of this size? Having a hard time finding any that are A blank, B not super long.
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