
Active Member
Alright so figured I'd give myself a bit of time to get ready for Halloween and I'm doing a thing with a couple of buddies at work and we decided on a DC theme. So, being nightwing is one of my favorites I decided to go as him. I've done alot of reading and research in the threads here and cosplay forums.

I'm going to attempt the arkham city suit since it's my favorite version of him.

Alot of right now is searching for the right materials by ordering a bunch of sample swatches and all. I haven't seen this done on here for this particular suit, but I believe I can achieve the look through a combination of thin foam and latex. We'll see though heh and if it doesn't happen to work out for some reason well Injustice Nightwing it is.

I already ordered my mask from Xtreme Design Fx. Seemed to be the closest to the mask since I wasn't really a big fan of people who use the Robin mask for Nightwing. It'll take a bit to get here, but here's the link for any of those interested Untitled Document

Right now I'm planning out templates which is kind of nerve racking, but slowly getting there. Oh and another thing I actually built a mannequin, sort of, from STEALTH's video. Heh don't have a friend for the duck tape part, but figured this will be ok. Better than nothing since that drove me crazy when I was building my War Machine and all my parts were everywhere.
Since I'm gathering materials I need I'm still on the fence about adding texture to this suit. I really like the texture, but it's hard to tell where exactly on the suit it is in most of the shots I have. Like some of the photos such as this one Nightwing-character.png you can see it on the chest, but not the neck. When the suit is viewed at a slighter distance it all appears smooth unlike the batman suit where you notice that arkham texture going on throughout. I feel like if I do the texture I want it to be in the right places. What do you guys think... texture or no?
Ok so after going through a ton of swatches with a bunch of different companies I came up with these colors. 20130823_005320_resized.jpg Thought it'd be simple, but I was trying to find an exact match which didn't seem to be happening. Kinda tired of getting all these samples for just one blue heh. Figured this is the closest I'll get.
Yeah I thought theirs looked nice, but I've seen the batman arkham city suits done with foam and or latex before and I like the turn out much more. The suit to me seems to have more depth than a sub dye suit could pull off, even with putting muscles underneath and all.
Thanks: ) I'm it's foam in the pic I'm gonna be using vinyl to cover it though. I was having some issues with glue but now I got my method down so it's pretty much when I get some time I'll put it on.
Nice! What did you use for the bolts? Or are they screws? :? Also if you have access to the game, you can unlock the 3D trophy, zoom in nice and close to get the details of the suit.

Looking really good so far.
Thanks :) I know it's not exact, but for the bolts I'm using these 20130918_095121_resized.jpg I used hot glue to fill in the middle to create that little bubble part then I painted them. I don't have the game right now, but have a ton of HD photos and all so I should be ok :)
Heya dude! Build looks great, If you need any screenshots just say and I can install the game and try and get some for you. I have the game on PC so should be simple enough.
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