How would you end "House"?


Sr Member
So, the series is coming to an end.

It doesn't matter if you're still hanging on episode-by-episode, or if you thought it should have ended in season 2, the question before us now is:

"How would YOU end House?"

The show has such a varied history, I think any number of endings could happen without disappointment.

- "Life Goes On" ending - something BIG happens, but at the end of the episode, the team gathers around the table for their next case.

- "Team Splits Up" ending - the team gets new jobs they can't refuse and House is left with an empty office and the need for a new team.

- "Trial" ending - House is put on trial (either actually, or meta-phsically) and he must account for his actions (though, this they already did that this season) - could also be a retrospective when coupled with a "Death" ending.

- "Wacky/Out-there" ending - Something like going out on a musical, or other completely non-serious ending.

Personally, I'm hoping for the "Wacky" ending. Not something dramatic, but gives closure in a "plays-to-the-story" kind of way. I think the only type of ending I wouldn't be satisfied with is the "It was all a dream" type of ending - I just really hate those - it was cleaver ONCE in the history of TV.
Personally, I think he should finally decide to have his leg amputated so he no longer has the constant pain. It would show that he's finally letting go and moving on with his life.

Of course, the show runners seem to always press the idea that nobody ever really changes, so I doubt this will happen...
I think it should be an "it was all a delusion" ending, with House being put back in a
straight jacket and led away...............cause he's so freakin' mental............

House and his friends sits in a dinner and we hear the door bell "pling" and then Darkness..........................and credits roll.
I was a big fan of House for a long time, but I haven't been watching the past season. Seems like he's gone through everything crazy already (jail, rehab, operating on himself and barely surviving), so it's hard to think about something really out there...
Hugh Laurie wakes up next to Suzanne Pleshette. Actually, that's how I'd end Clone Wars too...

I like the "mental patient" idea though - it would go a long long way to addressing the weekly find a magical cure through prednazone rinse-repeat the show became after season 2.
Hugh Laurie wakes up next to Suzanne Pleshette. Actually, that's how I'd end Clone Wars too...

I like the "mental patient" idea though - it would go a long long way to addressing the weekly find a magical cure through prednazone rinse-repeat the show became after season 2.

ARRRRRGH! You beat me to it. Or have have Bobby from Dallas walk out from the shower.

How about House OD's and everyone shows up to his funeral. Lots of cured patients, masses of people flocking to the grave site. Camera pans back on hundreds of hundreds of people dressed in black.

Or the song and dance ending where they walk off the set and the director breaks the 4th wall rule.
I'd end it with House having no one and nothing to really account for. He loses everything throughout the season, losing any love interests, losing his team, losing any of his friends he had left and eventually ending up without a home. So, he gets on his motorcycle (does he still have that or did he change vehicles again?) and just takes off without telling anyone for parts unknown, and you never find out where he goes or what he does after that. I mean, how fitting for a show whose main character constantly solves mysteries to leave the audience on a mystery about what happens to him next?
After losing everything we see house getting on a plane, going who-knows-where. as the plane takes off the scene ends.

New scene opens in a super high tech hospital like something you would see in Star Trek.
The year is 2157.
A patient is rushed in, half transformed into some kind of alien creature. The staff cant figure out how to cure him.
One of the doctors looks at the nurse and says "Go get him."

A few moments later a spider-like robot walks in . On top of the 8 mechanical legs is a glass jar with all sorts of high tech hoses and wires coming out of it. Inside the jar is House's head!

The interns are stunned.....House's head looks at them, and says- "What are you idiots looking at...You've never seen a cyborg before?....lets get started."

Fade to black.
After losing everything we see house getting on a plane, going who-knows-where. as the plane takes off the scene ends.

New scene opens in a super high tech hospital like something you would see in Star Trek.
The year is 2157.
A patient is rushed in, half transformed into some kind of alien creature. The staff cant figure out how to cure him.
One of the doctors looks at the nurse and says "Go get him."

A few moments later a spider-like robot walks in . On top of the 8 mechanical legs is a glass jar with all sorts of high tech hoses and wires coming out of it. Inside the jar is House's head!

The interns are stunned.....House's head looks at them, and says- "What are you idiots looking at...You've never seen a cyborg before?....lets get started."

Fade to black.

I liked how they ended last season, that would have been a good way to wrap up the series. Especially when Wilson says "you'll find him at a dingy bar because that's how he feels about himself", cut to him on a tropical beach.
House wakes up in a hospital bed from his 8-year coma from complications due to the gunshot wound in his leg.