ZK's ZF-1 research thread

Zombie Killer

Master Member
Ok bear with me on this. I am not sure where to start so i'll just start.
I have numbered some of the ZF1 parts with the hopes that we can finally ID this bastardo. Not every single part is numbered since i can't see all of them or they are hard to get an image of. Please, no "i know what this is but i can't tell you". I've been guilty of this in the past and it's just childish . If you want to share great , if not thats fine also but keep it to yourself. If you want to share info with me but don't nessesarily want it posted i can do that also just PM me.

I will start with the numbered parts pics. This way we have a basic map. Then pics of the differences i have found between props and then close up pics of different areas showing detail. I will follow with known and found parts.
Some of these pics are swiped. If you own them and have a problem with them being posted let me know and i will remove them and find a different way of presenting it.


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Re: ZK's ZF-1 reasearch/build thread

Interesting. A couple of really neat observations there that I never noticed. Amazing what fresh eyes can do for a thing.

Did not notice those two lights at the tips of those turned aluminum thingies. interesting.
Re: ZK's ZF-1 reasearch/build thread

Good stuff ZK! I am also in the process of building one of these and will be contributing some pretty cool stuff soon as I get my Bluray screen caps done.

I'm pretty sure the flame thrower and ice cube system were fountain nozzles, I'll prove it in a bit.
The rocket is 100% an Estes Bull Pup with the main body most likely replaced with a metal tube. The sticker that comes with the rocket matches the screen used one word for word. It's pretty easy to read on Bluray.

Re: ZK's ZF-1 reasearch/build thread

Zhejiang Shentong fountain nozzle - look familiar?
Re: ZK's ZF-1 reasearch/build thread

Just realized the flamethrower pic was missing a bunch of captions. Fixed
Griefboys input added ( Thanks!!!)
Added a few possible parts.

This is pretty much everything i know up to this point. I will update the first post as i receive info. If you post a pic here it is likely that i will copy it and load it to my photobucket so i don't have to worry about broken links and so they are all in the main 1st post. If you don't want it here don't post it here. If you want to share pics that are not to be published here please email them to me. I will keep them private.
Re: ZK's ZF-1 reasearch/build thread

how sure are you on it being an AK74? it's just in the left side picture, its a hell of a distance from the base of the mag to where the barrell is

even if its a 40 round mag, to me the proportions of depth look off. what are you basing hte AK74 idea on. hard data or a guess?
Re: ZK's ZF-1 reasearch/build thread

Coinprop at one time mentioned a maglight and after searching around the only thing i can guess is using a blue AAA Maglight for #20. With the screencaps of #16 illuminated it makes sense and they seem to be the right size. What do you all think?
Re: ZK's ZF-1 reasearch/build thread

how sure are you on it being an AK74? it's just in the left side picture, its a hell of a distance from the base of the mag to where the barrell is

even if its a 40 round mag, to me the proportions of depth look off. what are you basing hte AK74 idea on. hard data or a guess?

It's posted all over the net so i guess it' an assumption. Do you know of any other pistols that use AK74 mags? It's actually an AKSU-74U without the folding stock. It has an 8" barrel. To me the proportions look spot on. The angle of the grip, the mag, in a few screencaps you can see the rear portion of the trigger guard, and the distance from the pistol grip to where the mag would end are all visually very close. I will know for sure soon if it's AK based. I ordered an AK47 pistol with a 10" barrel and it will be here tommorow. I hope to have the shell within weeks. The angle of the 47 mag is a little difff from the 74 so i hope it's close enough.
Re: ZK's ZF-1 reasearch/build thread

Look what came in today! :D Now i need to find the right pistol grip or make one.


Re: ZK's ZF-1 reasearch/build thread

Pickup a couple of these and after comparing to the AK mag i have they look like they are the right size.

Re: ZK's ZF-1 reasearch/build thread

Awesome! The front end is a little big but thats because it's an AK47 pistol rather than an AKS-74U. The 74's have super short front ends with an 8" barrel and the rear sight is on the top cover. The one i bought has a 10" barrel and the rear sight is on the trunnion. I should be able to shoehorn it in.
Re: ZK's ZF-1 reasearch/build thread

The Grip Looks To be that of a Galil

I thought that too but it's a bit different. Both the back and front are curved on the ZF1 but the Galil grip is straight on the rear part. Its real close and i think i will get one for now. I have gone through a bunch of my gun books and can't find one that looks like it.


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Re: ZK's ZF-1 reasearch/build thread

Damn fine research work!! This is one of those props that I always figured had a lot of custom parts on it. Interesting to see how wrong I was about that.
Re: ZK's ZF-1 reasearch/build thread

Got a few updates.
Added some caps confirming the AAAMaglites. I would say it's 99.9% sure.
Added cap of the Clippard MPA-3. It has the same hole and wrench flat. Hard to see the wrench fat in the cap but it was easier to see on the tv. I am going with this for now and it looks damn close.
Added a cap of what looks like a brass reducer and plug on top of the Clippard valve. Size unknown untill we find the valve.
Added some pics and a link to Parkers catalog for refridgerant distributors. I am coming to believe it is part #15. Makes sense since that is where the freeze juice comes from. Only problem is they are brass. There is something for conveyor blowers too but i need to do more looking to find out if there are aluminum versions.

Re: ZK's ZF-1 reasearch/build thread

So, with all these Clippard parts, are Proton Packs gonna have to be displayed next to one of these ;)

Great thread, looks like we're final;y gonna build on of these things.
If anyone can start getting measuments of, say the rocket, we should be able to get the metal supports peices pretty well planned out!