Zipper + Hair = Pain (;-;)


New Member
Hey guys I am making good progress on my spiderman mask. I have a zipper and as I was fitting my mask I got my hair caught.

Now when I say caught I really mean I had to choose between cutting my hair or destroying the zipper so I opted to destroy the zipper because I can't have a patch of hair missing haha. Anyways I want to avoid this in the future so I came to the experts. I was thinking of wearing a thin liner underneath first, like a balaclava type thing, but much thinner so I don't sweat and drown in my own sweat in the faceshell. I was looking at that method or going with a morphsuit mask for 10 dollar to wear under then cutting out eye holes.

Anyone else have this problem? I want to hear if anyone else has solutions, or maybe I should just get a haircut haha
I have medium length hair, and I usually grow it out fairly long.

When I wear my suit I use an open-face mask I got from ZentaiZone to keep my hair flat. It's basically a "Morphsuit" mask but with an opening from the forehead down to the chin.

Here's a link:

How shiny is that fabric? I'm looking for something exactly like that for a different costume, but I don't want it to be shiny at all. If it's a matte material, it might be perfect.
How shiny is that fabric? I'm looking for something exactly like that for a different costume, but I don't want it to be shiny at all. If it's a matte material, it might be perfect.

I ordered a white one, and there is a shine to it.
Aww, that's too bad. Thanks, though! I will keep looking (and by that, I mean start looking, since I've only just started planning the costume, lol!).

Good luck!

Maybe you can make one? The mask is just three pieces sewn together.
Good luck!

Maybe you can make one? The mask is just three pieces sewn together.

I might, if I can find matte stretch fabric. I checked my local fabric store yesterday with no luck (they have a terrible selection of stretch fabrics, though, so I wasn't surprised). I'll keep looking, though I'd rather not have to order online if I don't have to, since it's so hard to tell how shiny something is from pics. But it shouldn't be hard to make, if I can find the right fabric!
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