Another of my favorite endings is Jacob's Ladder. Takes you from "What the heck am I watching?" to "Oohhh.... I need to watch this again".
In the very end of Jacob's Ladder, it shows that he actually died in Vietnam. At first I couldn't get over how the rest of the film could take place after Vietnam until someone explained the real meaning of the film which blew my mind. Maybe you already knew this, but it wasn't obvious to me.YES YES YES!!!
The ending of Jacob's Ladder is one of the most moving endings ever.
There is a logic to the nightmarish events that take place in the "post-Vietnam" era. These events and characters map directly to events, characters and demons in Dante's Inferno, which is about a man's journey into subsequent circles of Hell. In other words, the entire movie takes place within Jacob's soul as he was dying in Vietnam and, literally, descending into Hell before he is redeemed by his son.
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