Your favorite movie ending.


Master Member
Blade Runner. No question. The hero loses. The bad guy does not even have to kill him. Just let him fall. The hero just killed his family and for no known reason he saves his life. There was no escape, no way for Deckard to get out of it. Deckard even spits at him to give him one last F.U. as he falls. The looks they exchange both on the edge and during the end. Deckard does not try and say anything, just sits in amazement. In the end the Replicant helps the VERY HUMAN Deckard regain his humanity. Rutger Hauer should have gotten an Oscar just for this scene alone. The dialogue was of course amazing, and Deckard's narration was perfect.

What's yours?

oh, really.. i'm sure i've seen an old interview where he said he approached Riddley with the dialogue in that scene, from 'i've seen things you people wouldn't believe' - to 'tears in the rain'.. but i could be mistaken
oh, really.. i'm sure i've seen an old interview where he said he approached Riddley with the dialogue in that scene, from 'i've seen things you people wouldn't believe' - to 'tears in the rain'.. but i could be mistaken

I could be too. There was confusion as he said he wrote the ending, then the writer said he did and Rutger added, I think that part. I could be wrong.
Blade Runner is definitely one of the best, and one of my favorites. +100 for "Deckard is HUMAN". If he isn't, the ending has no meaning.

Another of my favorite endings is Jacob's Ladder. Takes you from "What the heck am I watching?" to "Oohhh.... I need to watch this again".
Blade Runner is definitely one of the best, and one of my favorites. +100 for "Deckard is HUMAN". If he isn't, the ending has no meaning.

Another of my favorite endings is Jacob's Ladder. Takes you from "What the heck am I watching?" to "Oohhh.... I need to watch this again".

Exactly. If he is not human the entire story is pointless. For me anyway, also narration only. Without narration you really would not know much about him.
I would have to say Blade Runner as well. Watching Blade Runner as the late-late night movie on Christmas break back in 1993, complete with the original theatrical narration, was when I was just becoming old enough to start recognizing movies and film as two different things. I was getting away from my Stephen Segal and Chuck Norris rentals for stuff like Apocalypse Now, Brazil, Seven Samurai and A Clockwork Orange.

Blade Runner would enthrall me in the dystopian cyberpunk vision of the future that I was actually able to expand on when I discovered Shadowrun the same year, even noting the opening cinematic in the SNES version of Shadowrun paying direct homage to Blade Runner.

But since 1993 I have watched Blade Runner in all its iterations multiple times annually and have collected Blade Runner merch and memorabilia whenever I could find it. I bought my first VHS copy of Blade Runner on Ebay and the Director's Cut came out soon after. I actually remember missing the narration just because I had watched the movie with it so many times.

I was also completely blown away by the soundtrack as well and pined for it until a net search on the early 90's internet brought me to CDNow. Anyone remember them? They had the Blade Runner soundtrack for sale and I convinced my parents to let me use their credit card to order it and I still have it today as well as subsequent soundtrack releases.
I haven’t seen blade runner in a long time but it’s a great film for sure.

But I thought the ending of Rogue One was very satisfying. The entire film was great- perhaps the best of the new SW films, but when CGI Leia gets the disc, it just has a rightness to it.

The fight scene with Vader filleting the troopers was way over done, (didn’t fit with the opening of New Hope) but otherwise- great. Everyone dies this time.
Rogue One shows what Disney can do with StarWars if it employs the right people with vision
Leia and Vader ending scenes where awesome.. they had their technical issues but everything else was so good i can overlook them

I liked it, but I always though the Expanded Universe ending was a lot cooler. The Rebels on the ground die holding a communications station to send the signal to Leia's ship. Yeah it's kind of the same thing, but I thought it would be a lot darker and show more of a sacrifice if you saw the Rebel commandos getting killed one by one trying to hold the station. I still like the movie though!

I have to say that I don't like Blade Runner. It took three times to even watch the whole movie. I don't know what it is, because I love all the actors, the director, and scifi, but there's something about it I can't put my finger on.

I know it said movies, but mine would be the Babylon 5 finale "Sleeping in Light". I think it's the best ending of any scifi movie/tv show.