Does anyone know where the closest thing to the actual leather badge case wallet used in the X-Files is sold commerically? It doesn't have to be exact, just fairly similar. Thanks!
In my years of searching, I have found nothing commercially available that matches the hand made ones that were used in the show.
If The Munson says it ain't out there, you can take it to the bank!
Best bet would be to get some leather and get crafty..
To be honest, the REAL complication with a good replica is the badge. /QUOTE]
I remember back when I first came around here, this was one of my top wanted replicas, I was directed to Matt, as the resident Mulder guru. :lol
I had a bid on a dead on metal replica of the badge on eBay and had plans to send it his way to help the masses. Unfortunately the auction suddenly disappeared.
Best bet is to get a close one and maybe tweak it with some putty and resculpting and keep it for yourself..
UPDATE: I just spoke with Doug Shoemaker, the grandson of "Tex." They can still make a style # 311 and custom cut the wallet for your particular badge. Replica FBI / XF badges come in all sizes and configurations, most not identical to an issue FBI shield. Mr. Shoemaker says to send a tracing (NOT a photocopy as they shrink the image a little) of your particular badge and tracing of the outline of your ID cards. I would probably do a mockup with the tracings to show layout, sizing, etc.
It is model # 311 in black leather and the price is $47.97 (probably + tax and shipping). The phone number for Tex Shoemaker Leather Co. is 1-909-592-2071.
I don't know what this detailing is called, but it outlines both the ID and badge cutouts on the screenused ones. I don't know if this is an extra detail that must be requested or if it is standard. You may want to check if you order.
I wonder if a group of us got together they could do it cheaper ?