Would adult animated films be popular today?

Just wondering if you guys would find interest in adult traditional animated films today?
Like Heavy Metal, American Pop, Rock n Rule, Wizards?

In the internet-less 70's those films were very special to us fans. There was not much in the way of fantasy movies to be had and we sponged up everything we could get! A lot of us saw those four for the first time in theatres at midnight showings and at SF conventions. They developed cult followings at the same time as Rocky Horror, Pink Floyd's The Wall and that sort. The best thing about the 1st three, to me, was the rock-opera format soundtracks. I think a comparison of modern animation would be something like 'Animatrix' (-that had a kick-arse soundtrack!).
Now we can see just about anything, & any international animation thanks to the internet & youtube etc. and we have TCN/adult swim in the US, for lots of new strange offerings.. LOVE the Venture Brothers!
I would pay money to see an animated full length feature if it was something that I thought I might like. Just like any other entertainment..
Care to explain why?

One Thousand and One Nights (Senya Ichiya Monogatari) 1969
Cleopatra: Queen of Sex (Kureopatora) 1970

That is more "traditional" then the examples given in the first post if you are going by production date... In fact those two examples helped usher in the adult animation industry and gave birth of the 'hentai' association used today...

Those two are way before my time. I never even heard of them. Only one i knew about was Fritz the cat.

Manfromnaboo: i went to that site and bought the TPB already and i'm going to order the DVD they have on amazon soon.
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