Wolverine Trailer: SPOILERS


Sr Member
Anyone else just see the new trailer. It was Wolverine flashing back to his childhood which was a scene right out of the ORIGINS mini series when he is akid named James and he first pops his bone claws. I didnt know they were going back to the mini series in this...cool.
I always go back and forth on if I like the bone claw idea... right now I'm liking it, LOL
I am sure you can dig it up, Outlander, somewhere on the web since it aired several hours ago.

It wasn't really a trailer (at least if we are talking about the same thing), that was part of the special "sneak peek" thing they are running on Fox over the next 3 nights (although I do not watch "House" so I will miss the one tomorrow) so it did have scenes that are not in the trailers I have seen.

I was shocked how much they took from what they showed from the Origins books. I was not a huge fan of that book, and even less of a fan about the bone claws. But I also complain when they don't follow the comic source material, so I guess I can't have it both ways.:rolleyes
I just wish they would never have put that in the comics in the first place.
Anyway, it did look cool:thumbsup
Jackman is not Wolverine. Too pretty.

They should have cast Mickey Rourke as Sabertooth. :lol

That's the best trailer I've seen for WOLVERINE. Thanks for posting it. Scotty was right, I did run across a link to the spot you were talking about when I was on AICN. I still haven't decided whether I appreciate the take on Logan offered up in Origins, but I guess it's canon now.

I apologize if I came across somewhat terse. I was just pointing out that I usually find it useful, when I want to discuss something, to make the material readily available for those who might be interested in joining the discussion.

I gather that some individuals spend an inordinate amount of time on-line, and some individuals like that may have nothing better to do than ferrett out such references. Or they may actually enjoy the sleuthing activity encouraged by a non-specific post. They may look for ways to spend even more time on-line, such as moderating a favorite chat board for example.

I always appreciate it when someone takes the time to save me a little time and effort. That trailer made me excited about this movie for the first time. Thank you for posting it.