Where to buy styrene sheets?


Well-Known Member
I did a search but couldn't find anything. This may be a noob question, but where can I get some sheet Styrene? Any large retailers that may be in my area? I don't really want to have to order it and have it delivered. Any help would be appreciated. ;)
Hobby shops often have it. Especially the model stores which often have rods, tubes, and angled pieces too. Of course, Garage Sale, For Sale, and Beware of Dog signs are often referred to as ghetto styrene since sometimes they are more readily available.

Hobby shops only have very small sheets and strips. If you need larger pieces, you may have to try a local plastic supply.

Are you using it for vacuum forming or scratch-building?

Try the term "polystyrene" also
Well being in the sign biz for 20+ years I have purchased mine from sign supply houses and plastic supply houses -- they stock 4'x8' sheets in a variety of thicknesses -- some will also cut them to size for you. FYI.

Plastruct is a good place to start. As an alternative, I would suggest Evergreen Plastics. Don't know if they're selling direct but I've found their smaller sheet packs (6" x 12") at local hobby shops.

Here's a quick link to see they're sheet sets online:

You might try to call them up to find a local dealer just to price compare with Plastruct.
Thanks a lot, guys. I'm not really going to be doing anything major with this stuff. I'm going to use it to thicken the edges of some Rubies Vader armor. I'll try the hobby shops first to see if they have what I need.
Yeah, that's what I'd suggest LP. I myself sometimes do scratch-build prop projects, and for that I simply go to the local hobby shop in town here. They have it available in varying thicknesses depending on the complexity or sturdiness of the work you plan on doing.

As pointed out by others here, the styrene sheets available there aren't particularly big -- maybe 2' by 2.5' -- but even so that's more than enough to suit my purposes. Given what you're planning on doing with this, that may very well suit your own purposes, too... :)