What is Studio Scale?

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Ha!.... That's the one. My God!! I wake up with baited breath somedays. Praying for a new build. Maybe I should just finish one of mine instead. Maybe we should bump some of the oldies but goodies.

Just a point of view from a non studio scale modeler.

I would love to be working on a studio scale project, but am not for a few reasons. (just like to add here, I spend a lot of time learking this side of the fence but don't have much to offer).

The expense is the first thing that slows me down, but the main reason is the fear of stuffing up such a major project. The smaller AMT/ERLT kits (cheap) are as I see it an apreticship to the model building worls. I am still working through my apreticeship.

As I get closer to finishing some of the smaller projects, I know I want to do
them studio scale and the little AMT,s just don't seem enough anymore, so I will come and play with the big kids some day.

Till then we look to you guys to give us insPiration

Sooooo, get to it! LOL

PS: My grail is the 5 foot falcon, and those guys just blow me away with the guts to have a crack at it. I know you will get to it one day

remember lots of us learking fellas!

Ozzy, im with you on the 5ft thread, its one of the greats, so many names, so much talent, collaborating old school style, its a joy to read, and also, very humbling!

Agreed... I will get back to the falcon some time but there i have to finish the big at at and there is another kit coming this year that I have wanted to build like for EVAR!!!! Ozzy judging by your builds there is no way you would stuff up the larger builds. You just need bigger tools to make em.
And with those words by Ozzy and JM I´d like to put this thread to rest since this topic was discussed quite a few times in the past and should not take up valuable space on the front page of this great sub-forum much longer.

RPF staff
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