Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS!

If someone comes in with a $5000 cnc gun and wins then all the power to them. Lots of money doesn't nessesarily mean a better design or end product. My goal is to spend around $100 on top of the gun. I don't have the money to spend more but i am not going to fuss if someone else has the means. Your BMW Lambo analogy might be true but our only goal is to WOW the 3 judges. If a $5000 cnc gun is what they like, nothing we do will change that. I don't think this is what Weta wants though and i'm sure they will take all things into account in their judging. You have to remember, the Dr Grordbord world is set in the very early 1900's. An all aluminum cnc gun with LEDs flashing all over it isn't going to fit in to that world very well if you look at the majority of the guns from the Dr's world.

I certainly know where you are coming from, but at least for this first contest, there are no limitations. If we end up feeling like the results are very lopsided, we will consider adding limitations in future contests.


Here's an interesting thought - how much of the original gun, has to be in the finished product?

I ask, because this could easily become a money pi$$ing contest. People getting parts machined or getting specialized tools, while other members may have just about enough money to afford the base product.

I know, creativity doesn't cost a thing, but there's a difference between building your dream car, out of plywood, in the garage and sending your plans to a fabricator and having them build a working vehicle.

That's why the $1 contests are so great - it puts everyone on a level playing field. Are there going to be any limitations like that?

Just a thought.

wow this looks like a real fun contest; shame that I'd be clueless on where to begin

I would gladly buy a unit though if the min 100 isn't reached
Thanks for sending me an e-mail to let me know of this awesome contest, therpf! Count me in!

I'm actually more excited to see the "100 entries" than winning :D Do you guys remember the Vader Project? THE VADER PROJECT I'm hoping the contest ends up looking like that, with 100 winners instead of just one or two featured "winning" pieces. The nice thing about The Vader Project was that everyone used the whole helmet and had to modify it. I do agree that this contest can easily turn into a "who can dump more money into this" contest, with people building $8000 elaborate mechanical steam-powered pieces and just tacking on a couple pieces of the Righteous Buffalo to make it entry-worthy.
I do agree that this contest can easily turn into a "who can dump more money into this" contest, with people building $8000 elaborate mechanical steam-powered pieces and just tacking on a couple pieces of the Righteous Buffalo to make it entry-worthy.

If someone dumps $8,000 into their gun we will be talking with them about a loan... :lol:lol:lol
Personally, I rather appreciate that this isn't another dollar store contest. I come from the world of modeling, so I rather enjoy sculpting, scratch-building, and working with raw materials like sheet styrene. It's not really expensive, per se, but it doesn't really fit within the dollar store "collage" context either. If someone is an expert in CAD or can machine parts, those are both skills that take creativity and years to master, so I don't think they should be penalized for it. Heck, I wish I had the skills to do that stuff.

Basically what I'm saying is, machined and 3D printed stuff take just as much creativity to design and execute as something that was made from a cut-up flashlight. It's not as if you just dump a bunch of money into it, press a button, and out comes a beautiful ray gun. I've seen tremendously impressive props done in both contexts. So why not just let people create something using the skills that they are best at? I'm tremendously excited to see what RPF members come up with when the sky's the limit.
I never thought I would say this, but I agree with Zombie Killer. There is no need to add extra restrictions. Let everyone do what they are good at, be it CNC, junk pile diving, or sculpting clay. If you have money, use it. If you have time, use that. If you have talent, use it too. :)

He has another good idea about the letterhead. Do you think maybe we could start a thread in the paper props area for people to share stationary, placards, decals and such? I am sure I am not the only one that is not entering the contest, but would be happy to help all the people that are.
Is anyone able to try at this contest? I am a student and might not have time but I would love to participate. I will pre-order at the end of the week because I am a novice at prop building and would rather someone experienced get my slot in the top 100.
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