Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS!

I get the impression that the Bison is just an..entry ticket..that Can be used but if you want to, you Can scratchbuild.. If it can be torn apart as much as we see fit? But I guess an official call will have to answer this


Joe, i don't agree at all, the whole point of this competition is for Weta to provide a starting point with the Bison, to pay to enter a competition, i don't think that's Weta's style!!

To quote the original announcement: 'Weta has asked us to customize 100 stripped versions of their popular Righteous Bison raygun in the style of Greg Broadmore's Dr Grordbort's universe'

I'm fairly sure that if Weta would of wanted us to just create any old raygun out of our imaginations, then they wouldn't of went to the hassle of placing a special order to have stripped unpainted Bison's available to exclusive members of this forum.

I just would like some clarification on the level of customization. Do we take the Bison and add bits to it and 'customize' it
Do we just say yeah thanks for the bison, but i think i'll just make whatever i want instead??
March 31st

Dearest Mother,

Time moves at a blue bellied snarl's pace here on Venus. I spend my time moping around the encampment, helping where I may, and yearning for a glimpse of the Moon Mistress.

How I wish we'd purchased a proper ray device before starting out on this adventure! "Borrow one from Uncle Ascott" you said! A miserable piece of rubbish 'that' turned out to be! I sit here perusing a pile of 'parts' that would better suit a gas light fixture than a proper weapon!

I must confess though, I've ordered the Righteous Bison direct from the factory, a truly magnificent piece of devestating delight! I look forward to it's arrival, then on to glory and fame with my brethren! Ahh the mere thought of some seriously destructive action has got me all goose-pimply!

Until my next corespondence,

Your humble son,


Dearest Nigel,

I think the moral of the story, is do not listen to your mother, as i know nothing about rayguns!

I am pleased you have seen fit to order yourself a Righteous Bison, i will sleep better knowing you have protected yourself with one of the finest pieces of weaponry known to man.
If i know you, it shall not be long before you have stripped the machine, tinkered about, and made it your own.

Take care Nigel

Your Mother.
I couldn't be more excited to share this news with you.

While Weta is EXTREMELY busy helping create the world of the Hobbitt, they have taken the time to develop and sponsor a contest unlike anything we have had on the RPF before. This is a bit of a pilot for us, to see how contests like this work and we expect it to be a smashing success!

So, what is this contest all about? Weta has asked us to customize 100 stripped versions of their popular Righteous Bison raygun in the style of Greg Broadmore's Dr Grordbort's universe.... what? You don't know what Dr Grordbort's is? Get over to: Dr Grordbort's Infallible Aether Oscillators and learn! You can't win the contest without delving into the universe!

To learn more about the details of this contest, what is required, and what rewards are being offered, check out the attached PDF (or images in the second post), to get the details straight from Greg Broadmore, creator of the Dr Grordbort's universe! This contest is a great opportunity for our members and we hope you will participate! Once you have read the contest details, head over to wetanz.com to pick up your own Righteous Bison for the contest!

NUDE Righteous Bison Raygun for RPF Contest

Please keep an eye out next week for a contest within a contest, sponsored by the RPF!

PS In addition to this contest, Weta is offering a 10% discount to RPF members on any Dr. Grordbort’s products purchased before 18 April 2011 online at www.wetanz.com! Just use promo code "therpf2011" (it is case sensitive, so all lower case) at checkout for your discount!


EDIT - 3/23

Some members have asked if they would be alllowed to make multiple entries. If you buy multiple guns, you may indeed make multiple entries!

Also, if you plan to enter the contest, please preorder before 03/31/2011. Weta is placing a special order with its manufacturer for this contest and will be basing the order size on preorders, so get them in now! We don't want you to miss out on this contest!

Argh I wish shipping to Singapore would be free too ): Really would like to join this competition but shipping alone to Singapore can get me another Bison. That's how expensive it is.

Weta, could you do something about the shipping to Singapore and make it free too? :cry
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I just saw this site, through a friend, and I'm definately "IN" on this one!

I attended my first SP "Exhibition" in Santa Clara last weekend, and bought Dr.Grordbort's No. 1 Catalogue. Totally amazing stuff, and hilarous descriptions of the "gear". As a Jules Verne/Disney 20K Leagues enthusiast, SP dovetails perfectly with the genre'. I was a close friend of Imagineer Tom Scherman, who did up his No. Hollywood apt. as the Nautilus.

Reminds me of the old days of Bjo and Equicons (old guard Trek), when people made their own things, and had fun without control or fear of hassles from Movie Studios.

The Bison is an awesome prop, and it's gonna be tough to improve on, but I will. Following Greg Broadmore's style will be fine (I get it), tied to the (actual) construction technology, and materials used in 1890-1900.

I'm the author of the SFAM series, and the Creative FX for your Model RR books.

I really, really appreciate being here, and the posts are encouraging and thoughtful--and fun!

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Surely though, there must be some kind of restriction on just how far you can go with the modification of the gun.

Shouldn't you still be able to tell that the final product is born from a Bison?
There should be something that says, yes modify to your hearts content, however it must be clear that the bison is a base and can be identified within the final design.

Otherwise, whats the point in starting off with a Bison blank, when i could just scratchbuild?

This is a bit tough to answer and maybe Tim (from Weta) can step in and answer better than I can, but the idea is to have HINTS of the bison left. We didn't want this to be a complete scratchbuild, but a buildup and customization contest. Having the Bison as a base gives you a great platform to start with, or, if you are truly creative, chop it up and use the parts in ways they weren't originally intended, but we definitely do still want to see the Bison in there! What we really aren't looking for is:

repainted Bison
Bison with a scope and nothing else
Bison with a stock and nothing else

We want to see you really go crazy with it and to wow us with your creativity and use of the Bison as a base.
This is a bit tough to answer and maybe Tim (from Weta) can step in and answer better than I can, but the idea is to have HINTS of the bison left. We didn't want this to be a complete scratchbuild, but a buildup and customization contest. Having the Bison as a base gives you a great platform to start with, or, if you are truly creative, chop it up and use the parts in ways they weren't originally intended, but we definitely do still want to see the Bison in there! What we really aren't looking for is:

repainted Bison
Bison with a scope and nothing else
Bison with a stock and nothing else

We want to see you really go crazy with it and to wow us with your creativity and use of the Bison as a base.

Thank you for your take on this Art, this is how i see it also, using the Bison as a base, and having parts identifiable in the final product.

I think its important before anyone starts, that we are all clear that it is an extreme customization contest, which allows people to let their imagination loose, but also not so much so, that a final design / product is so dramatic, that it bears no resemblance to the base gun.

I have no intentions on being one of those 'we must have rules' chaps, and i am really looking forward to the whole competition to see what dramatic results and some wildly creative designs, but again feel its important to at least set out some loose guidelines, shall we say!!!

Just my two cents, i may be wrong!
So if you want to be eligible for one of these random prizes, you need to post stuff on this thread eg : what you are planning to do, what will be the name of your weapon, work in progress pics, conceptual designs, stories of of the character who will manhandle your weapon in Venus, etc

That's great that their are going to be more prizes! The previous contests at the RPF have always had the opposite plan-of-attack, ie everything is hush-hush until the grand unveiling. It'll be interesting to see what happens when people start posting their ideas and work in progress pics...

That said, I was planning on going the sniper-rifle route... but I want to get the Bison in my hands before making my final decision.

Kind regards,
Pull me back in! Lurking in RPF since mid-09, but haven't been back for a while. A fellow prop-builder mentioned this contest and the deadline and I had to get my order in!

I hope I have time enough to devote to this, I've got some great ideas! (However, we're also about to start planning/designing a real-deal satellite to send up to LEO, so..)

Either way, I'm still going to end up with a sweet little gun.. :)
I think its important before anyone starts, that we are all clear that it is an extreme customization contest, which allows people to let their imagination loose, but also not so much so, that a final design / product is so dramatic, that it bears no resemblance to the base gun.

I love these rules (or lack of them)! This should be exciting. In fact I think I'll order a second gun while I still have the chance (hope they'll combine shipping)...

What we really aren't looking for is:
repainted Bison

I think it would be a shame to discount what some of the talented artists here can do with only paint. Particularly when you look at what the guys at Weta have done with the One-of-a-kind repaints on the site, some of which look like entirely different weapons.
I think it would be a shame to discount what some of the talented artists here can do with only paint. Particularly when you look at what the guys at Weta have done with the One-of-a-kind repaints on the site, some of which look like entirely different weapons.

Keep in mind, I am not one of the judges for the contest, so if you can wow the guys at Weta with a paintjob, go for it!
I think the bottom line here is to use your common sense. We're all sci-fi geeks here and we know what it means to make something look like it came from the "universe of..." We also all know that there's a reason why we were given a Righteous Bison to begin with, and not simply told to build something completely from scratch.
This is a bit tough to answer and maybe Tim (from Weta) can step in and answer better than I can, but the idea is to have HINTS of the bison left. We didn't want this to be a complete scratchbuild, but a buildup and customization contest. Having the Bison as a base gives you a great platform to start with, or, if you are truly creative, chop it up and use the parts in ways they weren't originally intended, but we definitely do still want to see the Bison in there! What we really aren't looking for is:

repainted Bison
Bison with a scope and nothing else
Bison with a stock and nothing else

We want to see you really go crazy with it and to wow us with your creativity and use of the Bison as a base.

Thanks Art and Everyone who has posted. It's great that you are all so passionate about this.

Weta is a creative company and we don't like rules and restrictions. One of the favourite comments from Richard Taylor (Creative Director and Co-founder of Weta ) is that "we aim for failure and hope to miss" !

So I can only give you some guidelines and lots of encouragement :

Please use the Righteous Bison as a base and customize it in the style of Dr Grordbort's Universe

If you want to go crazy and make major modifications, go for it

If you just want to do a really cool paint job, go for it

If you just want to make minor modifications, go for it

If you want to make a matching costume, go for it

If you want to create a written story about your weapon and it's handler, go for it

If you want to ....... well, you get the picture

Just be creative and fun with it !


Thanks for the letterhead. Exactly what i was looking for.

I think the extra prizes are very cool, thanks Weta. I am actually getting into this a little more than i expected. I feel like i have just had a huge history lesson too researching my guns workings. I want this thing to not only look good but be based on real science. I'd love to tell more but i feel it's a bit too early to be loose lips and i don't want to spoil the surprise. I will happily share my guns name. The Tetracerus.
So if you want to be eligible for one of these random prizes, you need to post stuff on this thread eg : what you are planning to do, what will be the name of your weapon, work in progress pics, conceptual designs, stories of of the character who will manhandle your weapon in Venus, etc
Are you encouraging us all to post in this thread?!
If anyone else does work logs like I do, then this will get to be one crowded thead. :eek

If this is what you want, I'll participate like that. I'm just wanting to be sure your really wanting us all to post our intentions and work logs here. :thumbsup

Like Zombie Killer, I don't like spoiling suprizes either.:love
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NOOO!!! So the WETA site has it listed as sold out! Damn my eyes for not ordering this on my lunch break! If I were to buy a retail version of the Bison to strip down would I still be eligible for the contest?
A couple of thoughts when approaching this contest, which has suddenly become curious as to who can outspart the next guy...LOL!

1. Print out a full-size photo of the Bison to try out your ideas. Add sketched parts, re-arrange the elements, etc. It's in 2D, but it will help you re-imagineer the gun.

2. With the book(s) in hand, totally immerse yourself into the universe. My guess is the winner will be chosen not so much on the whiz-bang (pun intended) of the cleverness, but in how the look and feel elicits the "that's it" reaction to how it fits into this creative universe. There is a lot of heavy theming going on here, and "thinking 1900" will help make this happen for you.

3. This has nothing to do with looks, but I'm putting a beeper motor and small counterweight inside of it to simulate something "kattywampass" working inside. The photo captions in the book describe near-disaster and total toxicity when using this not-quite-proven technology that pre-dates the Titantic! I suppose a Bison "bursting into flames" could be an optional design?? (Who's up for a flame paint job on their "Buffalo Burger"?) LOL...

My designs are immersive and reversed engineered...although I'm not quite yet willing to divulge them. My thanks to WETA for their patience. Kinda reminds one of guessing how many gumballs are in a jar? i.e. how thick is the jar's glass? etc...

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