Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS!

NOOO!!! So the WETA site has it listed as sold out! Damn my eyes for not ordering this on my lunch break! If I were to buy a retail version of the Bison to strip down would I still be eligible for the contest?

Note that the RPF purchased several Bisons to be given away as prizes for an upcoming contest... something of a contest within a contest and a way for those who missed out or didn't have the money to purchase a Bison outright to get one.


Good sirs. [STOP] Blooming good show on the creation of this smashing contest. [STOP] If I might be so forthcoming, my gallies are in quite a state. [STOP] While I'm not usually the type for smatter-hauling and snide pinching, I will accept your challenge post-haste. [STOP]

Salutations, [DRAMATIC PAUSE]

Lord Byron Von Nobble-Sprat III [STOP]

Note that the RPF purchased several Bisons to be given away as prizes for an upcoming contest... something of a contest within a contest and a way for those who missed out or didn't have the money to purchase a Bison outright to get one.

Art, if I could give you a big sloppy wet kiss and not **** off my wife, Believe me I would!!
I'm getting really excited about this! Can't wait to start actually! :D

I've already decided that my customisation will be a bit more feminine... me being a literate woman and all. :p I'm taking inspiration for my design from the Greek myth of Io, who got turned into a cow. Also fitting that Io is the name of one of the planet Jupiter's moons. Going to do a mythological/steampunk twist.

Oh, and as for a bovine name.... The Irascible Oryx. Or The IO for short. ;)
It seems a lot of people were thinking along the line of the sniper rifle (or at least long range gun)... myself included :) So, I'm not decided on the actual design.

However, I found a name... I'm going with The Imperial Ox
A couple of thoughts when approaching this contest, which has suddenly become curious as to who can outspart the next guy...LOL!

1. Print out a full-size photo of the Bison to try out your ideas. Add sketched parts, re-arrange the elements, etc. It's in 2D, but it will help you re-imagineer the gun.

2. With the book(s) in hand, totally immerse yourself into the universe. My guess is the winner will be chosen not so much on the whiz-bang (pun intended) of the cleverness, but in how the look and feel elicits the "that's it" reaction to how it fits into this creative universe. There is a lot of heavy theming going on here, and "thinking 1900" will help make this happen for you.

3. This has nothing to do with looks, but I'm putting a beeper motor and small counterweight inside of it to simulate something "kattywampass" working inside. The photo captions in the book describe near-disaster and total toxicity when using this not-quite-proven technology that pre-dates the Titantic! I suppose a Bison "bursting into flames" could be an optional design?? (Who's up for a flame paint job on their "Buffalo Burger"?) LOL...

My designs are immersive and reversed engineered...although I'm not quite yet willing to divulge them. My thanks to WETA for their patience. Kinda reminds one of guessing how many gumballs are in a jar? i.e. how thick is the jar's glass? etc...


Nice thinking Paul !
Are you encouraging us all to post in this thread?!
If anyone else does work logs like I do, then this will get to be one crowded thead. :eek

If this is what you want, I'll participate like that. I'm just wanting to be sure your really wanting us all to post our intentions and work logs here. :thumbsup

Like Zombie Killer, I don't like spoiling suprizes either.:love

Yes, we'd love to hear your thoughts and see your work in progress! I don't think you need to show every step in the process. And you may want to hold back on divulging any breakthroughs in oscillation reverberation technology!




Good sirs. [STOP] Blooming good show on the creation of this smashing contest. [STOP] If I might be so forthcoming, my gallies are in quite a state. [STOP] While I'm not usually the type for smatter-hauling and snide pinching, I will accept your challenge post-haste. [STOP]

Salutations, [DRAMATIC PAUSE]

Lord Byron Von Nobble-Sprat III [STOP]


Splendid to hear from you Lord Byron. A courier pigeon will be dispatched to your headquarters forthwith.
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