Question Weird problems while ads load

Sluis Van Shipyards

Legendary Member
I've been having some problems with the ads on the page when a new page loads. For instance if I start a new thread and start typing, the page will kind of freeze and I can't type anymore until I stop the browser. It will show it trying to load the ads at the bottom of the browser. I'm using Firefox 5.0. I haven't had this problem any where else so I don't know if this is a known problem or what.
It was happening a lot to me this morning as well Art. The page would sort of lag in the pay it forward thread and when typing a post the words would show up seconds later.
Having similar problems, though mine seem to be related to a filter blocking ads from certain places and/or the new +1 , Tweet, Reddit box thing, work blocks parts of that too

So some threads wont even load past the top table image with the links to various forum parts.
Every once in a while you might see a pause in an ad loading, although if you have adblocking on, I am not sure why you are seeing them at all. In regard to the new sharebox (reddit, facebook, stumbleupon, etc) we are working on making those load faster, but they are pulling data from the various sites to load into their tickers.
The sharebox with the +1 options occasionally breaks the formatting on my Firefox browser. The "Post Reply" button would appear over the sharebox and the spacing would be off. This happened without any adblocker add-ons enabled too.
I had this happen to me last week. One ad was stalling out and it was preventing the rest of the site from loading. Once the ad rotated to something else I didn't have any further problems. I wish I could remember what ad was failing to load for troubleshooting purposes.
The sharebox with the +1 options occasionally breaks the formatting on my Firefox browser. The "Post Reply" button would appear over the sharebox and the spacing would be off. This happened without any adblocker add-ons enabled too.

We were having some issues with the formatting in Firefox earlier but that should be resolved.
Aha ! 'glad' to see this isn't happening only to me.

I browse the RPF by going to a general forum, go through the list of threads on a page, and right-click 'open in a new tab' (I am on IE8) for the threads I want to go through.

So i usually have 6-10 tabs open before moving on to the next forum / page.

That has worked fine, till around 3 or 4 days ago, right up till today.

When I right-click the tabs, they open, but my browser freezes and it takes aaaages to normalise. Sometimes even the screen goes blank when I try to click on the tab I opened, and then it normalises after a few minutes. It's infuriating LOL.

What I go notice is that it almost inevitably, it says something on the lines of "waiting for googleads hjkdhwbji669889dnnw77ppp .... " or something of the sort.

I have also noticed that the 'freeze' happens less when I open a tab that has little or no images in the thread page.

I browse newspapers etc in the same way, but this only happens with the RPF pages.

Any tips or settings I could pehaps adjust ?
To add, I am keeping my eyes on what is causing the pages to freeze besides the "waiting for googleads etc"

Actually, the page freezes waiting for many websites, as seen in the bottom left corner of the browser info, and flicks through a whole list of "waiting for's".

"Waiting for ...... " also shows up.
.... and it's getting worse Art.

I just spent over 45 minutes waiting for various pages to load, and as also pointed out, when I write posts, there is terrible lag between the time I write and it shows up in the response box. And I mean like a 30 second lag.

Other culprits are "waiting for" and "linkback_url.gif" etc etc.

Another thing to add that is weird, is that when I modified the title of my collection thread just now, the available space shrank. ie, there no being a space after the dash in "New Arrival- Castaway" is not a typo. There was no space to enter more characters.

Again, I don't think its my browser at fault, because this doesn't happen anywhere else except here :(
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Alan, just made some updates. Let me know if you continue to see problems. While there is no doubt that adding more scripts,especially those that pull from external sources can add time, but I would also point out over the past 72 hours we have had a massive influx of guests on the site as well due to the reddit hit we got over the weekend and due to ramping up toward Halloween.
Not grumbling at all Art :lol just pointing out technical issues FYI. I'm sure I'm not the only one facing these issues. :)

I'll let you know how it goes shortly :thumbsup
OK, a slight improvement.

I fixed the matter in the title of my thread. Space is re-available.

Going to other pages was OK at first .... then it did it again.

Everything froze.

But this time it took a few minutes to get back to normal (that's why I took so long to report back :lol), and I did not have to wait for 5-10 minutes before rebooting the browser.

It is, however, still freezing on some pages like the PIF, Nike thread, etc.

And the time delay in writing posts is gone.
Alan, we just made another change, specifically to the facebook share button which is what seems to be delaying things for a few people. Please let me know if you see an improvement.


OK, a slight improvement.

I fixed the matter in the title of my thread. Space is re-available.

Going to other pages was OK at first .... then it did it again.

Everything froze.

But this time it took a few minutes to get back to normal (that's why I took so long to report back :lol), and I did not have to wait for 5-10 minutes before rebooting the browser.

It is, however, still freezing on some pages like the PIF, Nike thread, etc.

And the time delay in writing posts is gone.
Every once in a while you might see a pause in an ad loading, although if you have adblocking on, I am not sure why you are seeing them at all. In regard to the new sharebox (reddit, facebook, stumbleupon, etc) we are working on making those load faster, but they are pulling data from the various sites to load into their tickers.

Maybe I'm blind, but I don't see the sharebox at all. Should I be seeing those in every post, the first post, or somewhere else entirely?
I gave it another few spins Art. It's the same I'm afraid :(

What I can tell you is that switching between forums and forum pages is like lightning. No prob, normal.

Opening threads where there are few posts on the last page is no problem either.

The problem is when there the amount of posts make that page almost 'full' (eg 45 posts).

That's when hell breaks loose :lol. Page freezes, browser freezes, my CPU and fans start doing overtime, etc.

Unlike earlier on however, it does 'settle down' eventually, but only after a few minutes of either the 'egg-timer' & 'waiting for x y z' , or a completely blank white screen.

I can still minimise the browser when it does this, and other stuff on the PC works fine while the pages finish loading / settling down.
The only difference I see of late that could be causing this, especially since this morning, are that on the main and forum pages there are none, but each thread has new social networking buttons. Could those be the cause (?).

EDIT - ... and I don't think its those buttons alone either. I went and tried to open 2 of the pages in tabs of the "don't bump this thread" in the OT forum (no social networking buttons).

Same thing. I've been waiting for 3-4 minutes for the browser to settle down to post this :(
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