Warping paper?


Master Member
Does anyone else have the problem of printed photos, props, etc. on high gloss paper tend to warp in just a few days/weeks? Many of my paper props are beginning to wilt, and I don't know how to address this. TWO different printers, and same thing. Even some of the things I have bought from other members tend to do this...
Does anyone else have the problem of printed photos, props, etc. on high gloss paper tend to warp in just a few days/weeks? Many of my paper props are beginning to wilt, and I don't know how to address this. TWO different printers, and same thing. Even some of the things I have bought from other members tend to do this...
This happens because it's printed on an inkjet printer. If it was printed on a color-laser you wouldn't get this result. Hope this helps ;)
I use an inkjet printer (Canon PIXMA iP6600D). I have not come across this problem. Once in awhile if I have alot of printed color and over lapped printings. I even soak in coffee and inks and dyes and then print. I prefer the dull print look of the inkjet because I make alot of old paper props; military and government docs, Indy props, etc.

It would be a pain to do but you might want to try ironing them once the come out of the printer. This might shock dry the ink and help to keep the paper flat.

Good luck.