Warehouse 13 - The Tesla Gun


Master Member
Alright, the Farnsworth thread has grown ginormous, figured this deserved its own :lol.


dr_slurpee shots:



Zombie Killer measurements:

airhead shots:


the brass peice in the middle reminds me of a fishing reel. I wish I had seen this post the other day, a neighbor of mine just threw out an old vac tube radio! Cool prop.
Last night's episode had what looked like a really good view of the front/top (when one of them is shooting the guy on the ground with the lobster gizmo on his back). You can see the top in full with two screws on top. Might be worth adding to the picture mix (to whoever has TV grab software). One other comment - from the pics it appears the short/stubby tube in the back is the same diam. as the front one. And the other longer tube in the rear is narrower than stubby. :)
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Here's a couple of caps from the latest show. Notice the old gun found on agent Seacord's body - broken tube.







Oh, and by the way, I'd like one of those working versions, please.

Well I found this picture so there should be something similar in the actual episode while Artie is showing off the toys.

The depth of the back part of the Farnsworth box it about 11/16" so match that to the length of the gun.

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There don't seem to be any good shots of the Tesla gun and the Farnsworth at a good angle. The best that I saw was an overhead shot of the box and the Farnsworth:

What do you think? Take apart a mega-volt taser and hide it in the body?

Maybe just some blue l.e.d.s....

Using that picture of the three of them seated at the round table (see Post 9), it appears detective on the left side with the Farsworth is a bit more forward to the camera than mr. warehouse himself holding the tesla gun who is a little back around the table. This matter of perspective will play into comparisons of the two props. However, when I use the top opened side of the Farnsworth in that pic with 1/2" side and 6" length, taking relative measurements of a blowup of them together, I came up with either 8.85" or 8.45" length for the Farnsworth. If on the other hand I made use of the more forground buisness end of the Farnsworth with 11/16" or side or 0.5" section (depending which you use) it comes out to around 6.2 - 7.1" which seems too small, which is why I mention the closest part of the Farnsworth to the camera has perspective issues to be concerned about. Using the back or top end/side of the Farnsworth for comparison you get closer to te 9" someone previously mentioned for the length.
You know what would be cool?

Mold the Barrel TV TUbe.

Then BREAK it..and take the insides..and lace them with SUPER BRIGHT BLUE LEDS...
Then..take your Mold..and fill it with CLEAR RESIN....and is insert the LED/TUBE guts.

You would have a Clear copy of the tube....thats very durable.

im wondering if the actual prop is solid resin tubes, i cant imagine them dealing with a prop like that with so much fragile GLASS.
Those caps on the first page really do look like cast resin tubes. They appear to be magnifying the innards of the tubes.

If someone can ID the right tubes I will be happy to do a run of bubble free clear cast tubes in impact proof material. I could probably even get the partly milky effect on the ends if desired.

I could even cast up the insides as a separate piece to attach LEDs to no problem.

I think the tubes are glass. The only one that looks weird is the smaller of the rear tubes. Looks like the bottom was cut off and glued back on. These tubes are not as fragile as you think. I've literally throw tubes into boxes of other tubes wiithout breakage and they take quite a bit of punishment. I also noticed in the pic where they are retreiving the Tesla from the dead agent, the rear small tube doen't have it's glass. I'm going to get a glass cutter and go to town on some of my tubes. The other option is to butcher up the glass tube on one of those fishtank heaters. Those might be tempered though.
just hard to see them using a prop with so much glass, one drop or wrong move while filming and someone could get a shard of glass in the eye.