War Machine, working on more parts now, pic way heavy :)

Re: Made007 War Machine

Its looking awesome..what scale did you end up going with the cod piece?..keep up the work i know its hard work to work with fiberglass and bondo i do know a little of that myself..i do body work also..that's a little advantage that we have i guess..lol..

I just went and check the scale for you, its 1.72, but im a 30" -32" waist, keep that in mind, i thought i used the default but i remembered that tip from mssleeper about the scales and i played a little with the scale factor on this, it fits me right
Re: Made007 War Machine

First hand cut
After like 2 hours

Im going to work on the helmet, ill update at night ,thanks for looking :)
Re: Made007 War Machine

Nice build bro!!! hey what scale did you use on your torso? I re-do mine 1.79 that way my big head fits through the space I made; hopefully this is the last one I have to do...
Re: Made007 War Machine

First hand cut
After like 2 hours

Im going to work on the helmet, ill update at night ,thanks for looking :)

That's so time consuming..the hands...looks like you have everything mixed..i would try to keep everything separate like i mixed mine up and took long to figure out what was what..specially some finger parts look a lot like knuckles part..the round parts...well good luck on the hands....
Re: Made007 War Machine

Nice build bro!!! hey what scale did you use on your torso? I re-do mine 1.79 that way my big head fits through the space I made; hopefully this is the last one I have to do...

1.64 my head fit tru the hole, but my ears dont, i have to get in one ear at a time, but it fits perfect once is in place
Re: Made007 War Machine

I think im going to leave it like that, its like a jacket! I think i dont need to cut parts that i could just get in easy
Re: Made007 War Machine

1.64 my head fit tru the hole, but my ears dont, i have to get in one ear at a time, but it fits perfect once is in place

I had to make mine a little bigger to be able to fit my big head, and actually is allowing me to get in like a t-shirt sort of way. since I'm adding some more details o the side of it and plenty of padding I think would look ok I guess....
Re: Made007 War Machine

I think im going to leave it like that, its like a jacket! I think i dont need to cut parts that i could just get in easy

if you can do that, it will be a lot less headaches. and you'll have a solid torso to hold the minigun, which is a nice bonus.
Re: Made007 War Machine

if you can do that, it will be a lot less headaches. and you'll have a solid torso to hold the minigun, which is a nice bonus.

And im going to add some padded supports on the inside, they will be attach to my body so whe i turn the torso turns with me, that way ill have more movement in my armor, i am also designing some mechanism for the abs, i want them with movement too
Re: Made007 War Machine

Usc? Feather fill? .......sorry i dont know whats that

Im using lightweight bodyfiller and polyester resin, with fiberglass matt

the lightweight bodyfiller that you're using is made by USC and it's popularly known as Feather Fill. :thumbsup
Re: Made007 War Machine

Heres today progress
I thought i could finish it today but i totally forgot about the ear pods, dumb of me
Well i hope that tommorow i can finish it
I spent all day in the chin/jaw





And for tommorow i already have the ears in place and with some rough bondo


I hope you like, thanks
Re: Made007 War Machine

Thanks stealth
I made some templates modifying a pepakura file, for the ear pods, tommorow ill work more on them
Heres today pics:)
First the templates

Theese are for making a styrene piece for the chin

See, i have them cut the wrong way, ill fix it

And heres hes standing in my room

And his bodyguard :)

Hope you like ;)
Re: Made007 War Machine! Bondo stage done!

Today i finished with the bodyfiller, now to add the bolts and some details, and lot and lots of sanding



Heres a styrene piece i made for the chin,needs sanding

And i pep one hand, the left one i think it robo, the right one zabana





If i pep that i bet i can pep anything
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