Vader ESB 'hero' cape/robe details


Master Member
Did the cape have a satin trim all around the edge and if so, how wide was it?
How wide was the leather collar?
Was the robe pleated?
Did the robe also have a satin lining?

Any other details I should be aware of?
Originally posted by kurtyboy@Feb 1 2006, 09:35 AM
Did the cape have a satin trim all around the edge and if so, how wide was it?
How wide was the leather collar?
Was the robe pleated?
Did the robe also have a satin lining?

Any other details I should be aware of?

The satin trim (at least I personally think it was satin) was just on the bottom of the cape. I would say it was 2 inches.
The collar looks to be about 1.5inches wide.
The ESB robe was pleated.
The robe in ESB did not have a satin lining as far as I can tell...


...there are some shots where it definitely looks like there could be about a 1" border along the side hems of the cape. Could also be reflection as well....hard to say tho...

I peg the collar width at about 1 3/4"....also the inner robe length to be about to the bottom of the ankle...pretty sure that the inner robe wasn't lined. If so, I'd love to see a cap....
So, border or no border? Along just the bottom or sides too? Satin border or is it just a row of stitching?

Anyone got pictures showing a satin lining on the robe?

Cape wrap around, is it 230° and not 270°?

Originally posted by KevVader@Feb 1 2006, 05:44 PM
...there are some shots where it definitely looks like there could be about a 1" border along the side hems of the cape. Could also be reflection as well....hard to say tho...

I peg the collar width at about 1 3/4"....also the inner robe length to be about to the bottom of the ankle...pretty sure that the inner robe wasn't lined. If so, I'd love to see a cap....
Hi marcus,
I don't know If you have this pic, but I send it.
I have to say that's difficult to give you some answers about this cape, but I would like also to know more about it.
That's the inside of the cape you're seeing.

Check the scene near the end of ESB when Vader walks down the stairs after the Millenium Falcon escapes into hyperspace. I don't have the screen caps handy but the satin lining is pretty obvious and just on the bottom. Also check when Vader says to the bounty hunters "There will be a substantial reward for anyone who finds the Millenium Falcon". He does a turn and the camera follows the bottom of his cape. You'll see it there as well. I don't have the screen caps handy here at work :).


Originally posted by SithLord@Feb 2 2006, 12:11 PM
That's the inside of the cape you're seeing.

Check the scene near the end of ESB when Vader walks down the stairs after the Millenium Falcon escapes into hyperspace. I don't have the screen caps handy but the satin lining is pretty obvious and just on the bottom. Also check when Vader says to the bounty hunters  "There will be a substantial reward for anyone who finds the Millenium Falcon". He does a turn and the camera follows the bottom of his cape. You'll see it there as well. I don't have the screen caps handy here at work :).



Yes Thomas is correct. I remember those scenes vividly.

...similar to this shot....I don't think it's the sating lining hanging down...I think it's a sewn border made from the same satin as the lining.

Yes, a lot of shots seem to show the lining from the interior of the cape folded over and giving the impression of a border along the side hems. This would be because the lining has not been top-stitched into the body of the cape.

However, it does seem in some shots that there may be a satin border along the side hems where the lining may have been folded over the width of the hem (1" or so) and then sewn.....I'll try and find a reference shot.... a side note, take a look at the pic that Mika posted and notice how low over the cod that the buckle sits....If there is one thing that I've learned is that the only consistent thing about the OT Vader costumes is their inconsistencies. :p
The bottom is Satin lining not the satin of the cape it self.. This is not leather.
The colar is leather.
Inside the down the cape it is leather to make weight down the capes side.
The cape has the satin on the inside. And yes in allot of senes you se the edge folding outwards.
The robe got the satin inside.
This our cape and robe is.

Robe Details

Robe folding

Cape details

Robe split

The cape do have a satin folding on the end of the cape.
The interior is satin.
There is leather down the cape to make heavier and stronger.
The colar is made of leather it is aprox 1.5 inch at the ends and it goes to max 2.5 inches in the center of the back.
The robe to my knowlege does not have the folding on the back.
The robe has a split from waist and down.
What about how the cape is constructed? Made from how many sections and how are they stitched together?
Just to note re. the lining - the Star Wars archives book has a Vader costume picture on page 14 showing a section of lining hanging down further than the cape. It looks as if the lining is not sewn around the bottom hem of the cape, just left loose.

Interestingly, the cape and inner robe also appear to be shorter than usual - could this be a 'stunt' robe which Bob Anderson wore?

Sorry I can't post a scan, perhaps someone has the photograph to hand?
I dont buy that it was a satin edge.....satin is the worse edge material to use as it frays and splits so easily.

It was most likely very thin garment leather, more than durable and shiny.

Purist: There were probably several capes used in the film.

Idealist: And if I might add, Im sure Vader had a closet full.

Realist: a leather edge can be sewn on easily, has a shine, and is very durable and Id bet money thats what we are seeing.
Originally posted by Durasteel Corporation@Feb 13 2006, 05:05 PM
I dont buy that it was a satin edge.....satin is the worse edge material to use as it frays and splits so easily. 

It was most likely very thin garment leather, more than durable and shiny. 

Purist:  There were probably several capes used in the film. 

Idealist:  And if I might add, Im sure Vader had a closet full. 

Realist:  a leather edge can be sewn on easily, has a shine, and is very durable and Id bet money thats what we are seeing.

....not if the satin is hemmed......

I'm not too sure about the leather....even the softest leather won't flow as well as a fabric....

However, I do agree that there must have been several variations of the cape used throughout the OT....
There are NO edge trim what so ever on the ESB Cape, the one you see in the pic where Vader leaves the bridge is just dust/dirt, nothing else. Any one that has done a little vader trooping no this, the Cape gets dirty on the bottom.
The robe has NO satin lining, but is pleated at the level of the chest box.

On the ESB poster of Vader flanked by two troopers on a red background there doesn't appear to be any satin trim down the sides of the cape or a satin lining on the robe.

This is most likely a hero cape/robe set since its used for publicity and they almost touch the floor.
Originally posted by Darth Phaeton@Feb 13 2006, 06:57 PM
There are NO edge trim what so ever on the ESB Cape, the one you see in the pic where Vader leaves the bridge is just dust/dirt, nothing else. Any one that has done a little vader trooping no this, the Cape gets dirty on the bottom.
The robe has NO satin lining, but is pleated at the level of the chest box.


PDVD_068.jpg're saying that's dust on the bottom of the cape?

I don't think so, Dan...

The crew had to keep the floors of the sets very clean as the floors reflected everything. I'm sure some dust made it's way to the floor at some point....but there's no way that's just dirt/dust on the bottom cape edge....