using clay to make a mold box?


Sr Member
Is it a bad idea to use clay as a box for making a small one part mold? Say 6cm x 9cm x 2cm deep?
So long as you're careful about the thickness of the clay wall, and make sure there's no holes for the silicone to get through, you should be okay. I personally would rather use foamcore.
I've used clay as a moldbox for a really small funny-shaped part before. It will work fine and saves you the trouble of making a more elaborate moldbox.
Thanks all. I found an old plastic container that I just cut the bottom out of and mounted on styrene using clay around the bottom to seal it.

It is my first cast of anything ever. A fun little project. I'll let it cure overnght and see how bad a job I did. :) I never count on my first attempt at anything in the world of props to work out the first time around.
I use sheets of acrylic. I cut them to any size I want on the saw then hot glue them.

I used to use legos, but the larger molds alway leak.

The best part about using acrylic is you can use it again as a mother mold and if you spray ease release on the acrylic, the resin drips flick right off.
I've used clay and plasticene for small items,especially strangely shaped ones.

Make sure it's non sulphur or it might inhibit the cure of certain silicones,if in doubt a coat of spray wax,latex or PVA glue will provide a barrier but I've never had a problem,even with toystore plasticene.