Umm, I hope its ok to share these with yall. Avengers!!!!

Hell yes. I was waiting for someone else to drop these here, Hop! I have a wedding Saturday, but they are filming, so I may sneak down and see what I can see.
Man it sure does look like they tore that street up pretty good, I wonder what enemy they are going to be facing.
Hmmmmm, my brother told me he was working in Cleveland till mid september, guess I know what he's doing! Make those lights look pretty Spike!
More of a fight than a God? o_O

Loki is technically a Demi- god.......not the same thing.

Frost giants son and all so no....not even really a Demi-god either more like just a magical being.
Unless of course you count Frost Giants as gods (which I do ) so Demi-God.

Ultron would rock, as he is one of the Avengers main baddies. I don't personally want to see Kang on the big screen. How about THANOS!

Now what would be spectacular is if Marvel would put all there properties under one roof and make a big old trilogy out Secret Wars (the 80's version) Now that would be an awesome sight to behold!
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has cap let one off in this pic :lol is that why she is wearing the mask

has cap let one off in this pic :lol is that why she is wearing the mask


At first I though she might be holding an airbrush and that might be why she has the mask on, but I actually think it's a paintbrush... This might be left-field, but I think she might be applying soot marks to the suit and the mask is to keep her from breathing it in?
Captain America looks good,on the note of Secret Wars.....anyone ever thought about doing the Armor Wars for Iron Man? I read that as a kid and it'd make a hell of a series for 'ol shell head.