Ultimate Frankenstein


Well-Known Member
Mike Hill was nice enough to take time out from his
busy schedule and make this piece for me.
Without a doubt the best , most realistic Frankie I've ever seen.
Mike breathed more life into this than even Dr. Franenstein himself could.
Enjoy the pics.


It's not just the skin tones that make this great, but also the hollow in Karloff's right cheek (where he removed his prosthetic tooth).
I'd seen Mike's teaser shot of this and that just didn't do it justice! The skintones and veining are outstanding!

Wonderful piece, Larry... you must be thrilled!

i beg to differ. that, is infact, NOT the ultimate frankenstien.
that, is the ultimate frankenstien's monster!
just a pet peeve. :)
awesome piece!
That is what I want My God that is fantastic!!!!!!!!!! If I may ask who did the sculpt of Frank. I wan to paint one up but all the blank pulls are out of site. Awesome work!!!!!!!!!!! your very lucky!!!!!!!!