UK based Master Chief clay sculpt


Sr Member
Myself and my girlfriend (Angua on the boards) started this sculpt 2 weeks ago. A bit late but ive always been a fan of the costume... I know MC has been done a million times before but its such a great piece of design. Im part of the UKG and thought it would make a great Real Icons costume. A few G friends are after an MC so a possible squad is on the cards!

Its being sculpted over a life cast of myself, im 6ft 5 so I'm the right height... even so I've added a cm or 2 lifts in the shoes. I'll need to pad myself out somewhat as I'm tall but not that well built. We are sculpting it to be proportionally correct for Chiefs height, the character needs that slightly heightened reality feel to him so size, height and bulk are a must. Started with the legs. Once finished we will reuse the clay over a torso body cast.

All based off MKVI reference, in game, models, toys, the Bungie statue... you name it :)




We are quite well practised at prop making, some of you will have seen our Stargate / Senate Guard threads. Always try to top the last project :)

Started with a life cast, interesting experience :)


Fiberglassed that up!


Started with the clay 2 weeks ago...


Really pleased with how its looking so far. Ill post regular updates. Hope you like it! Next up.. deep discussion about form and shape working towards a final finish.

Looking good. You should go post this on the 405th if you haven't already. Not too often we get to see scratch builds anymore. Would really shake things up a bit.:thumbsup

When you finally get to the casting stage I would recommend casting the entire lower half of your suit in flexfoamit 25. It increases suit mobility a ton.

EDIT: IIRC some Throssoli, and some of the muckle parts are already sized for a 7ft Chief if you decide to take any short cuts down the road. Not that you need it with the whole thing shaping up so nicely. Only a JIC need to make a deadline kind of info.
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This is already looking really cool! That life cast technique is especially interesting.
Thanks guys! Appreciate it. I have already posted it on the 405th yeah, some great suits over there.

Updates soon.
Sigma is right, scratch builds on the 405th (or anywhere else on Halo) are really rare, keep it up!

It's amazing so far!
Looking good! I'm wanting to put together a good MC costume when I get back. Might be looking to you to get armor parts, as I am 6'6" myself, but pretty proportioned at the moment.

Another weeks work, at a passing glance not much appears to have changed with the cod and thigh... however there shapes are much better, the details, the curves, the surfaces are crisper. Definatly pleased with how its coming along. Next week, moving onto the calf and foot. Going to give them the same treatment.





My internets been faulty for a few days so ive been unable to upload photos, luckily you can upload from your iphone so I can update my thread.

These pics where taken at the weekend, some changes since and its neater but not overly. We are planning on finished this part of the sculpt by mid weekend... whether we will or not is another matter :)



More pics!

We had a very long Saturday, 9am - 4am... but we got it done :)

3:54am Done!


Few more photos...



A few detail inserts/pieces will be made from plastic card and moulded separately. Will be more effort than sculpting them right onto the armour piece... but the end result will be better.

More photos soon, I hope to be fiberglassing by the end of the week.
If you know whats good for you, DONT post it on the 405th LOL - teens everywhere will clog your thread with mindless banter...

I say all that to say, great job, pretty awesome work right there!
Cheers guys... planning on pulling the moulds later this week and fiberglassing the legs on Saturday. Cant wait! hehe its like Christmas :)

Ive been mad busy the last few weeks trying to get the legs moulded and fiberglassed to take to Memorabilia in Birmingham UK on Saturday. I did manage it :) Because I only had friday afternoon to fiberglass I did a really bad job of it lol... thin, air bubbles... but I just wanted something to bring along and show the UKG guys. So in the below photos please ignore the quality of the fiberglass. It will be much much! better when I take the time to do it properly.

Im happy to say it fit everyone who tried it on on Saturday, big relief! :) about 6 people tried it ranging from 6ft to 6ft 5.

I quickly taped it over my jeans for these pictures... really rough but you get the general idea. Ill get it properly fit in a few weeks time.







Yes im skinny, yes I need some muscles :)

Im going to have a few days rest this week, nearly killed myself over the last month. Ill start the hand plate and helmet over the Easter weekend... get a head / hand cast made... cant wait!

Hope you like it.