Myself and my girlfriend (Angua on the boards) started this sculpt 2 weeks ago. A bit late but ive always been a fan of the costume... I know MC has been done a million times before but its such a great piece of design. Im part of the UKG and thought it would make a great Real Icons costume. A few G friends are after an MC so a possible squad is on the cards!
Its being sculpted over a life cast of myself, im 6ft 5 so I'm the right height... even so I've added a cm or 2 lifts in the shoes. I'll need to pad myself out somewhat as I'm tall but not that well built. We are sculpting it to be proportionally correct for Chiefs height, the character needs that slightly heightened reality feel to him so size, height and bulk are a must. Started with the legs. Once finished we will reuse the clay over a torso body cast.
All based off MKVI reference, in game, models, toys, the Bungie statue... you name it
We are quite well practised at prop making, some of you will have seen our Stargate / Senate Guard threads. Always try to top the last project
Started with a life cast, interesting experience
Fiberglassed that up!
Started with the clay 2 weeks ago...
Really pleased with how its looking so far. Ill post regular updates. Hope you like it! Next up.. deep discussion about form and shape working towards a final finish.
Its being sculpted over a life cast of myself, im 6ft 5 so I'm the right height... even so I've added a cm or 2 lifts in the shoes. I'll need to pad myself out somewhat as I'm tall but not that well built. We are sculpting it to be proportionally correct for Chiefs height, the character needs that slightly heightened reality feel to him so size, height and bulk are a must. Started with the legs. Once finished we will reuse the clay over a torso body cast.
All based off MKVI reference, in game, models, toys, the Bungie statue... you name it
We are quite well practised at prop making, some of you will have seen our Stargate / Senate Guard threads. Always try to top the last project
Started with a life cast, interesting experience
Fiberglassed that up!
Started with the clay 2 weeks ago...
Really pleased with how its looking so far. Ill post regular updates. Hope you like it! Next up.. deep discussion about form and shape working towards a final finish.