Two versions of Brown Bess?


Master Member
Gone but not forgotten.
Brown Bess experts, need some info!

I heard that Humbrol at some point had re-released 170 some years ago. But, the paint was not an exact match to the original shade. It was slightly off. I would like to know if anyone can confirm this. I acquired two tins of 170 from a member here (thanks!) for a great price. Now, in all the pics I have seen of PR's painted with real 170 (supposedly) it does not match the color in my tins. Mine is very much more brown, leaning toward the reddish side! Is it possible I have the newer less accurate 170? My tins are metal, painted white with the wording "Humbrol Super Enamel" on the tin. The lid is painted BB and has "MATT 170" stamped into it. Plus, the paint does not match the color of the lid at all. The paint is much darker than the lid.

While reading all the old posts on "Brown Bess" someone even mentioned they had three tins and all three were different shades!

Now never having seen anything Brown Bess in person, other than the tins I have, what color is it supposed to be????:cry

On a side note, I was at lowes today and picked up a spray can that is a tad lighter than the lid on my tins. That, sprayed over black or dark brown, may give a match to my lids, which I think is the correct color in my eyes, I think.....
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BB is different colors on different lighting conditions.
Sometimes looks brown, sometimes green.

look in the archives over on the Alien Legacy forum.
There was a discussion on lighting effects.
Now Im a bit worried. However, paint does lighten and change color a bit when dry, could you try painting a piece of plastic or something and then compare it to the lid when it dries out?
The only test I haven't done yet is to airbrush it. I have painted several stips on plastic stock. One on the bare white plastic sheet and then over stips of flat black, brown and several shades of OD.

I have read all the archived and current threads on BB here and on Aliens Legacy (member there as well). I would love to say my PR is painted in BB but I just am not happy with the color. I, like so many others, will go with what looks good to my eye. :unsure I like the color of the cap. I may have that computer matched and put into a spray can at the local auto paint store. Depending on the price and quantity needed, I may have to offset the price by selling some.

And I have to say, this in no way reflects on the person who sold me the paint! I am in his debt as this is still difficult to obtain. A big thanks to him for selling me one and sending two!:thumbsup
Maybe you could help him out by selling him a can of the paint you make :)
That is, if it turns out better that the original humbrol (matches the cap better). What do you think ?
BB is all about the D6 looks green in some shots, and brown in others...

Aervoe 999 Earth Brown is a CLOSE match to the cap though....and in my opinion, looks better than BB on a PR.

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I just found this site that has a comparison of BB with the Aervoe 999 and it does look pretty darn close to the BB sample.

Much as mine does. This shows what I see my BB as as well, very dark brown. I am going to order a can and see how I like it. I don't think I will though. At some point I'm going to have to call it quits. I have half a dozen cans of spray paint that I tested.:rolleyes

Who would have thought a color would be this troublesome?

I do like the color on the cap though. Oh, falcon dude, if I do get this paint made then I would just send this guy a can. I'll be calling some paint shops tomorrow.
humbrol started releasing "super" enamel some years ago. it apparently had finer pigment so sprayed better....well thats what i remember reading at the time.

personally i do not like the new "super" paint when using a paintbrush. the old tins gave a better coverage and finish. when i see humbrol tins now i try and get the old stuff but its few and far between.

Out of curiosity, how close is the MR tracker colour to BB?



That's a good question. I know stapleton13 painted his PR from a color match of his MR Motion Tracker. It looks darn good too.

So, the "Super" would probably be the re-released Brown Bess? From what I have read on the Aliens Legacy, it is not an exact match to the original.
First picture was overexposed like this.

The picture I picked was this one.

This is the same photo after It spent a little time in photoshop. I cut out the rest of the background, and softened the shadow under the rifle.

This is the color I'm going after. It is so close to the lid on my tin. This is the color I want.
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