TWA Moonliner ready for lift-off...

Carson Dyle

Sr Member
Much as I love sci-fi modeling, I’ve never been a huge fan of 50’s era rocketships. The Disney/TWA Moonliner is a notable exception.


Scott “Captain Cardboard” Alexander did a swell job mastering this iconic spacecraft, and the assembly was pretty straightforward.



Painting red stripes over a glossy white surface can be a bit tricky because there’s practically no margin for error. I used 3-M automotive pin-striping tape to mask off the livery markings. It’s a bit more expensive than the yellow Tamiya masking tape I usually use, but the resultant edges tend to be super crisp and sharp.

The TWA decals were carefully clear-coated with Tamiya lacquer, which I decanted from the rattle-can and airbrushed on in light mist-coats. An acrylic clear coat would have been the safer choice for sealing decals, but I hate waiting for acylics to cure.


A series of six white LEDs (powered by a 9V adapter) was incorporated into the triangular launch pad, which was then placed atop a custom-made wooden display base.

Special thanks to GKvfx for, once again, helping me out with the lighting and wiring chores (not my strong suit).


“Paging Mr. Morrow… Mr. Tom Morrow… your flight is now ready for boarding..."

Actually I AM a fan of 50s era rocketships (the Disney/TWA moonliner being an exception - usually)... but that thing rocks! :cool
I've got this kit sitting in a box in my stash. you have done a very nice build of it. Inspiring.
Rob you are my hero. That display is absolutely class, too. My hat is off to your superior display skills!
Wow I love it, you did a great job on this model! There is a serious lack of disney models out there its too bad a lot of disney world stuff has some of the most unique designs.
Beautiful job!

I make tanks and dirty star wars ships because I can't usually finish any glossy paint jobs well. Admirable clean job there. Love it.
Thanks for the kind words, guys. I really was a fun build.

I don't ordinarily build models to fill an interior design need, but I've got a sort of 50's/ 60's "space age" vibe going in my new office, and I reckoned the Moonliner would be right at home.



Nice Pan Am decal:lol

Yes, contributions are always welcome.

Beautiful job Mr. Dyle! I wish theses kits could still be had. Does anyone know if they have been brought back to life?
I'll ask the owner today - having a call with him in the afternoon about the greeblie packs :)
Looks amazing, I love the old 50s look and seeing your Pan Am stuff makes me sad to see how far traveling has fallen since the rocket was designed.