Tusken Raider showoff

Godzilla's Tuskens are freaking superb.

Here's mine, I'm just working on a bust. The material's not right and the Aerator is something I knocked together out of Gaffa tape for Halloween a couple of years back but its a start....



Wow, Jez. The lifesize bust is a great way to display this costume. Nice bandoliers too. I think I may have to do something similar.

Next time I make some respirator canisters I'll send you one. I need to find some cylinders that are a little easier to work with, but I've got some really good endcaps/tubing going on now.
Thanks for the offer - very kind :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

Yeah I think a bust is a better presentation piece than a helmet/mask alone and I just dont have the space to do lots of complete life-sizes. I tried to get the accurate material for the shawl (IIRC RLauren did a blanket that was quite close), but this was just something cheap from a local store that I dyed with Tea - but it needs weathering.

The Bandolears are fairly accurate - British Crimean I think (Mollo's favourite era) - agai they need eathering more

I could also do with padding out the chest as he looks a bit weedy :lol

Cheers and thanks again

Hey, Gang -

LOVE seeing this thread again. Here is my Godzilla kit but heavily modified - I had the eyes and tusks shortened a tiny bit, the eyes narrowed toward the front (aluminum taken from the outside, not the inside), nose protruding more, and all aluminum polished:

Hey, Gang -

LOVE seeing this thread again. Here is my Godzilla kit but heavily modified - I had the eyes and tusks shortened a tiny bit, the eyes narrowed toward the front (aluminum taken from the outside, not the inside), nose protruding more, and all aluminum polished:


That's a smart way to get the look of the LFL archives mask. That mask has the thinner front walls on the eyes which is the most pronounced difference between that one and the Chronicles mask that I patterned. Very nice technique on the buildup too.
Like them all.
Here's mine. It's a Studio Creations, the rest is scratch build. The bandoliers are from WW1 (well I think they are).

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Like them all.
Here's mine. It's a Studio Creations, the rest is scratch build. The bandoliers are from WW1 (well I think they are).


The Studio Creations mask is a great way to go for making a costume on a budget. It definitely gives a good prequel mask look. I like seeing that mask with the Swedish bandolier you have there like Ep 1/2.
I just photographed my newly finished Chronicles Tusken costume and I wanted to post pics of it here first. It literally took me 10 years of making the mask before I finally made a whole costume for myself. Hope you like it...



Looks great :thumbsup! Love the robe. Do you have a pattern of this?

It took me a long time to figure out what was going on with the robe. It's actually more like a poncho with no discernible sleeves. It takes on the robe shape because the belt sash and bandoliers gather the fabric around the torso. However the garment is open down the middle and overlapped in the front like a robe would be. You just have to size it to the proper armspan and length, which a king size blanket is just about right for.

There's an illustration of a pattern on TK409 that's helpful.
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