Tron Legacy Lightcycle Baton

That's a very old promotional picture.
To see the real thing, check out your local Target store.
It's a terrible toy. Oversized, under detailed.
Doesn't even function as intended.
I found these:




Two of these pictures are from this forum.

Screen caps

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I am going to be modeling these as well, and I was planing on assuming the grips (dark part - not the light colored ends) to about 4.5" long. I would then scale from there.
Here are some caps from the armchair archivists show on Legacy props. You should be able to scale it fairly accurately from the pager.






I noticed that it is also used as a katana. Basing it off of a sword handle, I'd say it's about 12 or even 14 inches long. The baton is also placed on the side of the leg when not in use. I've started to make a prototype using a tube from reynolds wrap foil. The tube hole is about 1 1/4", making it more to the baton to 1 1/2" (guessing). I"ll post a pic of the tube & couple ideas on paper soon. If things go ok, I thought about using sheet styrene around the tube as I start to build it up. Just to see what it might look like. I can use a hair dyer to mold the styrene to curve around the tube. Just a few ideas but nothing solid yet. All on paper then try to make a prototype.
I've done Alan's pager, and after that pics and an inch ruler, it's no wider than 1 inch. The end caps are 0,2 inches or 0,8 cm. The dark grey handles are about 4 inches long (the photo is slightly disorted. The middle button selector is about 2 inches wide, the selector capsule is about 1,5 inch wide and 0,3 inches high. That makes an estimated length of 10,4 or 10,5 inches, the height of the wides point of the oval shape seems to be 0,7 inches, if I interpret the photo right (the back side).

A rapid prototype version would be cool
Thanks for the extra pics. If anyone can get access to the real thing, the overall dims would be great!
Anyone gonna try to make a replica of this baton from Lin's measurements?

The measurements seem pretty good. The first time I saw this baton, it reminded me of the bar that is at the end of venetian blinds! :lol Just a bit bigger though
definately a model! we will see about an actual one after I get pricing. If I do do this, the plan would be to do the set with case.
Im putting together a budget scratch build one that will light up for costuming. I'll post pics when I get it finished this Saturday.
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I figured I would post some teaser pics

the pieces

test lit

The flashlight used was found at Lowe's for around $10. Made by a company called flarealert:
I think someone at the company really liked the Baton in T:L and decided to make a flashlight along the same design. The only thing is it just lights one end due to the fact the other end is the battery compartment. The button to control the lights is on the back of the baton. The other cool thing is that it has a built in magnet so it sticks just like the cycle baton does. haha
I'm sure there is a way to rig up components of two flashlights to light both ends but this is just a "toss together" kind of build.

Materials used were scrap illustration board, glue, hot glue. (no cost)

purchased the paint today around $5 a can, dang Testors! (Primer, Black Metallic, Gray Metallic and Clear coat)
Some final pics

These were before I painted the grip sections flat black



Backlit display panel

Gratuitous prop shot

After painting the grips

I found my unused MR Darth Maul LE display stand and thought I would put it to some use


The whole thing was a fun and I learned some things that I might do differently if I decide to make another sleeve.

End Of Line