Transaction Gone Wrong - Batman Grapple Gun

My dealings with Matt have left me with the knowledge that he will never buy anything unless he REALLY wants it. He'll wait years for something to become available and then do whatever it takes to get the piece. His tastes are quite specific so if he is asking if ALL of it is metal - it had better ALL be metal. The bottom line is that he has no need for a half resin spear gun - he gets to decide this, not you, Guido. What is missing from this thread is the fact that Matt obviously already paid the FULL METAL SPEARGUN PRICE.... or am I missing something.

Useless Example: If I buy a prop and it's supposed to be screen used and I find out it's a replica, should I take a partial refund and be stuck with a replica? No, I need my money back so I can go buy the real deal somewhere else.

You sold something and were wrong about what it really was - regardless of how you now know this - you are responsible for THIS sale! Not the one where you bought it under the pretense that it was all metal - THIS ONE! Matt is not responsible for anything other than sending it back after you refund his money. If you hadn't dug your heels in so deep in the beginning he would not have had to unscrew the piece to show you that it was resin.

Ooof, what a mess. And incredibly easy to rectify.... and he won't let this go until it's right. I hope you two can work through this - so simple.
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not wanting to get involved... but....

master replica's or other reputable dealers wouldnt false advertise

Two Words: Rocketeer Helmet..MR's Biggest Mistake IMHO..

Also, I think I could tell the difference between resin and metal. I have no experience with resin. The first item I owned that was made out of resin is my rocketpack. There is a huge difference between the two.

If a person sold me an item he misrepresented, than I would expect a full refund.
Couple of clarifications, and trying to stick to the facts on this post.

I don't have pictures with me at work, but if necessary, I can put together a call-out diagram showing which parts are metal and which parts are resin. Steve himself already described it in his generous post (which I appreciate) but if anyone is unconvinced, I will put together some photographic evidence.

Best case, the kit could be described as "Resin, with some metal parts".

Also, to be clear, it is indeed a VERY nice build up... of a resin kit. I'm not claiming it's a POS. it's great. it's just not what I wanted, nor what I paid for.

For my money, this seems like a very open and shut case, and the board seems to agree with me, for which I am very greatful. While the hand-waving continues in an effort to distract from the primary point, I'm very pleased to see that this tactic is proving fruitless.

To me, it's VERY easy to distinguish painted resin from painted metal. Even moreso if the metal is anodized. The two key points are weight and temperature. As SD pointed out, the metal is cold to the touch. I think the "Stored in a case and touched twice" comment was an attempt to get around that one. I don't really know.

While *I* find it weird that someone can't tell the difference between resin and metal, it doens't mean that such a person does not exist. But then, even if Guido did genuinely believe it was metal, the fact that he turned his back on the deal after I confirmed it was resin is just not cool. Add into the mix the details about the pending run of metal spear guns which he kept quiet, and it's a pretty compelling case for a deliberate smash-and-grab.

that's all i've got for now.
Also had a bad transaction with this user (TK-4140, Guido), please read my post about it on the Prop Forum

VERY odd that two users in germany named Guido deal in vader stuff, and stiff buyers. Coincidence???

In other news, I got this PM from Guido earlier today:

So Matt,

I tell you something I have enough from all that **** poeplee are telling about me that did not know me. I´m also leaving that board here for sure as I realy do not need all this **** and who would not like to buy anything from my fine no one need to do that.

BUT I also will end that story here and now and what I offer you is a refund about $200,- when I´m back from holiday what would be the 27th. this month. That is exactly what I´m willing to do but absolutly nothing more. Let me know if that would be O.K. for you and you would get your money on the 27th. as I wrote here for sure. AND than these hole case is done and closed and I will never contact you for my hole life again you could be sure but also please never try to contact me once again in the future for anything I will built.


I've asked for clarification. Not clear if he's saying he will give me 200 dollars to shut up and be happy, or if he's saying send him the gun and he will give me 200 dollars.

Either option is totally unacceptable.
Hard to believe that someone so helpful would have done something similar before.

Since I doubt you paid 200 he probably just wants you to keep it and go away.
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Guido had this to say of my refusal to accept shut-up money:

O.K. so I saw that both options were unacceptable for you fine nothing to say more.

Dunno what the deal is, but I guess a reputation is only worth 200 bucks to Guido. Not surprising, but there it is.
Sorry about this Matt. Did you happen to use a credit card when you did the paypal? If so you might be able to go right over PP's head and get your refund that way. Or you could always go the mail fraud route, since that is what you are dealing with.
It's looking like the only good thing is you actually have the item and could sell it on and hopefully recoup your money,that doesn't excuse the behaviour of Guido though.
Clearly his reputation wasen't worth much, as a result he'll never do business here again. I would play hardball with him now, do everything you can to get your money back by legal means.
Matt- So sorry to hear. It's sad the lengths some people go rather than admit fault. I hope a paypal claim or other method works (such as selling the prop to recoup $$ as defstartrooper mentioned)
I know this is over a week old, but I just came across this. Matt, I'm sorry this happend to you man. You're a reputable guy. You came thru with my first batarang replica 7 or so years ago, and have been there for any questions I may have. Very unexceptable that that had to happen to you this way.


This sucks. Flat out. It is the fumes from this stuff? What pushes these guys to loose their minds? This is such a simple fix and one that does not even need a thread... But it did.

WTF 4140?

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