Transaction Gone Wrong - Batman Grapple Gun

I know guido is aware of this thread, and it looks like he has chosen to ignore it. That's too bad, though it comes as no surprise. The pattern here is him failing to do the right thing on what is a transparently obvious issue.

Silence speaks volumes.
My "bad dealer" list seems to be growing a lot faster than it used to.
I just counted. The new number is 41. 29 still active members.
Almost forgot. Matt, you say he is aware of this thread. Do you feel comfortable sharing how you know that?
Just playing devils advocate, here. We don't want to wrongly accuse someone if it's not deserved.
Thanks for this thread, Matt. Sorry, you're having to go through this.

I consider it a public service when people share this sort of thing. It gives me the chance to add yet another seller of dubious intentions to my Rolodex.

NOTE TO GUIDO: Look, I own one of these pieces. There's simply no way to confuse this entire thing as metal. Do the right thing, man-up and correct the problem. RPF members have the memories of elephants. Nothing good can come of this if you let this fester.

Good luck, Matt
I did a trade with him a long while back for some Vader boxes. Sent my item priority mail and waited and waited and never got the boxes. When I pm'ed him he claimed that he sent them by boat( yes boat !!! ). After a few unprofessional emails from him I just gave up since he claimed he never got the circuit I sent. Now, I suppose it is possible that he never got the circuit, but just the entire deal with him left a bad taste in my mouth.

Have the traders considered sending both products to a third party mediator? Perhaps each package can include a small cash amount which the third party can use to pay for shipping the packages to their new homes? The mediator would only send out the trades when he or she received both products from both parties. And if one comes but not the other, the received product goes right back home to it's original owner!

Of course the mediator has to be the most honest sumbich on this board though...I'd elect those who have been burned by crooked transactions in the past: they'd NEVER screw anyone else over after being screwed over themselves.


P.S. Off-topic, but this happens to be my hundredth post on The RPF. Yay me! :devil
There's no mistaking this piece as 100% metal, as Matt explained it was represented.

This appears to be a clean-cut case of deception.

Have the traders considered sending both products to a third party mediator? Perhaps each package can include a small cash amount which the third party can use to pay for shipping the packages to their new homes? The mediator would only send out the trades when he or she received both products from both parties. And if one comes but not the other, the received product goes right back home to it's original owner!

Of course the mediator has to be the most honest sumbich on this board though...I'd elect those who have been burned by crooked transactions in the past: they'd NEVER screw anyone else over after being screwed over themselves.


P.S. Off-topic, but this happens to be my hundredth post on The RPF. Yay me! :devil
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Almost forgot. Matt, you say he is aware of this thread. Do you feel comfortable sharing how you know that?
Just playing devils advocate, here. We don't want to wrongly accuse someone if it's not deserved.

Based on the PM I sent him with the link, and the time he was last active. :) Still, you make a good point. Perhaps I should change that to say "I feel confident that Guido is aware of this thread". I suppose if I really wanted proof, the mods could check his list of read PMs, if that's possible. I'm willing to table that point for now, as he will no doubt find out about it eventually. If he doesn't post for a week, I'll be more confident :)

I'm trying REALLY hard to keep my posts i this thread to the facts, though it's hard for me to not speculate on whether or not Guido knew it was resin.

Despite my issues with him, he is a very dedicated Batman collector, and has been collecting for a while now. It find it VERY hard to believe that he could not tell the difference between painted resin and metal. They are very different in MANY ways, and IMHO, someone with a tiny bit of experience handling them should be able to tell the difference. But that is simply my opinion.

As stated, what really chaps me is his complete refusal to admit when he was wrong. He still stands firmly with the claim that it is an all metal piece, and refuses to deal with me.

As for Karma, I can tell you first hand that it is already coming full circle. He recently offered a robocop suit in the jy which I PERSONALLY would have purchased in a hot second... had it not been from him. So he has lost a big sale due to his unwillingness to correct a bad situation.
Doesn't surprise me. This guy took a friend of mine (not a member) for some Vader parts a few years. Lots misrepresentations and terrible product when it finally got here. Something on the order of 1 1/2 years late with many months of silence.

Good luck resolving this one.
So first I´m not quit I´m only on holiday in spain since yesterday and that´s the first time that I`m at a PC at this moment.

Next thing I would say this 89 speargun was an original SDS speargun that I bought about 3 years ago myself for over $1000,- with exactly the informations that Matt or any other person got from me as this item was on sale.

But I have another question to you all if you would sale something and after that the üeerson who got it told you hey I unscrewed the hole thing and it´s not complete metal you realy like to take it back if someone else has it screwed into single items right??? I never have touched that thing or unscrewed anything it only was lying behind glas and I never played with it that it was in perfect conditions as I shiped it out.

The thing about you Matt is your are calling me a bad apple and yourself take money for items you are selling and never shipped them out but that´s O.K. or what??? I also know some people that bought items from you but still over a xyear of wait and wromg promisses nothing arrived and that´s cool right???

Yeah I know you might known much better here as my person and that´s fine but that counts nothing as if you like I also could give names here from persons who have had or still have problems with you and that´s a fact.

Oh and BTW as you got my 89 Ninja wheel I was the best in Batman props you knowed and now I´m the biggest ******* on earth right for an item I never made myself and sold it exactly as I got it.

That´s all I have to say about all this here because it´s so absolutly typical here whta´s going on.

The only thing I´m thinking about maybe I also should start treads about aall these persons here on the boards were i have had bad deals with maybe that is the way to go.

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I sent you a PM as I like to know exactly what you mean with that Vader items your fiend waited over a year from me as all items I sold I shipped out directly. To say it here absolutly clear I´m NOT Guido Messika (Movie FX) as lot´s of people here thinking that I´m that guy but I´m not. My name is Guido Kohlen and I have nothing to do with this other guy.

@Funky Jedi,

Very funny all these comments I read here from you. As all items I´m selling you are one of the guys that are always asking about them and also asking if I could make you better prices.


If I buy anything from another member here that gives me the infos that it is an original SDS metal 89 speargun would you name it on any other way when you like to resell it here??? I think not and I did the same oh and BTW as I wrote before I never played with this item and hold it in my hands exactly 2 times for about one minute as I put it behind glas and as I take it out to wrap it into the secure airbubbled paper. Oh and I never thought about to unscrew the hole thing.

So and now I gave you all another story as it´s very easy because the reason why Matt is makeing this trouble now is very easy. He knows that I´m working on an own full metall functionell 89 Speargun replica with real moveing parts and that´s what he´s after now. But after all that trouble and things he wrote to me (and BTW Matt I also still have all your emails with your friendly words in there) I told him totaaly clear thaat I would not change the SDS for one of my own full functionell replicas and than he told me he would start that war against me and I never wwould sell anything again here on that board or any other board he knows. Yes that is realy grwon up from him right??? But fine anyone should have hiss own thoughts and I put not a gun on anyones cheest to buy something from me so if anyone feels not fine he does not have to take anything from my items very easy.

Naja Markus ich finde das ganze nicht ganz so lustig aber wie das Leben halt so spielt da komme ich als Erwachsener auch noch mit klar.

To all others here that are said so many friendly things about me without knoweing me ty very much and you all could be sure that I would also hold my eyes open in the future and maybe I also would have to say the one or other thing than about you all.

Greetings Guido:angry
When you use this community to sell your items, you should be well aware that everyone else is going to hold you accountable for any bad deals. I am having alot of trouble reading your posts no doubt due to the language barrier, but I never saw a post where you denied that you infact knew it was an SDS resin gun, and not metal like you advertised it to be. Now your claiming you won't take it back because he unscrewed it and found out that it was resin?

There's always some excuse, my computer died, family emergency, I was on vacation. That's just not going to cut it. You had options, if you we're leaving for vacation to a place where you would not have access to a computer, you should have notified anyone who had pending conversations with you. If you try and cut contact with someone here after they feel you've wronged them, you should know exactly what to expect.
I don't understand your explanation. It takes less than two seconds to tell if an item is metal or resin. It has nothing to do with playing with it - or unscrewing/disassembling it.

I have several resin and metal kits of the Blade Runner blaster and it's not exactly rocket science to figure out which is which.
here here, a refund should be given without a doubt. you knew it wasnt metal, but sold it as such, thus false advertising. do the right thing and give the guy a refund.
Yikes. :confused

Unlike FJ, I never stick my nose in these threads; he seems to be attracted to them like catnip...

Just funnin' ya, man! :lol

But since it is one of my products, some input may help.

Well, at least you guys are (sort of) communicating. I am sorry to see this is over one of my pieces.

FWIW: I only made two "all-metal" units (which technically, have two small resin parts mixed in there). I know ONE of them is In Michigan. The other one has probably traded hands several times. They were quite expensive to make and IIRC, they went for about $2000 to $3000 ish. The darts are 24k gold plated brass, and the bodies are machined aluminum with stainless steel attachments. The one in MI has a custom-made walnut display case and plaque, the other does not.

They weigh a LOT more than the resin versions, so they are pretty easy to spot. They are also "cold to the touch". The triggers are spring loaded as well. And being metal (and having traded hands several times) I would BET that the edges are starting to wear down or chip, exposing the underlying metals. I don't remember much was a looong time ago and I am old.

Rather than toss barbs, why don't you guys try for a "win-win" compromise? It may not be perfect, but something in the middle might resolve the matter.

It sounds to me like Matt did NOT get what he paid for...If you won't take it back, maybe give him a partial refund and/or something else to "square up"? Matt could easily fix this one up, and sell it off to make his money back...they seem to go for a lot of moolah.

If you burn Matt, You will probably lose more in future RPF sales than what you would on this one partial refund. It will haunt you forever.

There ya go.

Not GREAT, but better than what you have now.

And aware that if that other metal units pops up, be prepared to pay $2k to $3k. (Unless the seller just wants to "unload" it at a loss).
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I have never bought anything from Matt, nor do I know him personaly. But he has always answered any of my inane Pm's asking about props freely and generously with his time.

He is one of the few members on here who I respect, and that I trust without even having dealings with.

Not saying I don't trust members..Just trying to convey there are a select number who I have grown to respect on here. Members I don't need to buy anything from in order to feel comfortable dealing with them. It's the kind of people they are.

My point is, if he, or any member, said they are not happy with what they spent their money on, why not just fix the problem?! Surely it's worth more to yourself, to do the right thing.
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