Tos vulcan lyre


New Member
I'd like to introduce myself by showing a bit of my work. This Vulcan Lyre is my latest to be completed (May 2011), and is the most advanced of the 10 or so I've done.

For those unaccustomed to the world of TOS (yes, there are a few…but not many), this musical instrument was a cultural favorite played by Mr. Spock. Featured in a handful of episodes, the alien-looking device has gathered a loyal following since it's first appearance in "Chalie X". The original prop was simply a solid piece of wood (most likely pine) and strung with multi-colored macrame yarn to approximate the different gauges of wire. Its original audio was folly art: a melodious pastiche of an Ondes Martenot and a Hammond electric organ.

My other lyres, just like this one, go far beyond the original static prop build by Wah Chang in 1966. here is a a fully functional musical instrument capable of reproducing 29 separate notes over approximately 3 octaves. The strings' audio is processed through a series of digital filters, modifiers, and synthesizers, with control over their tambre being accessed from 8 knobs and dials. The sonic output is a spacious and other-worldly stereo image unlike anything you've ever heard.

The body is constructed from solid maple with a hand-rubbed oil finish. Exotic woods like bacote, cocobolo, and limoncillo are used for the bridge, saddle, and dials. The fret is inlaid polish brass and the tuning pins are anodized in stunning sapphire blue . Each of the 5 knobs are turned acrylic and mounted to polished brash shafts. To insure that the instrument's power is never left on, a subtle green light fluoresces underneath the main voice dial.

The music in the Youtube is the actual audio of the featured Vulcan Lure:
Vulcan Lyre 2011 - YouTube

Currently, I am building a commissioned instrument for a follow collector. When done, I will post more information.

Enjoy and Live Long and Prosper!







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That's some awesome work, wow! Are the electronics custom made, or did you incorporate existing parts?
Gaston, Your Vulcan Lyres are beautiful. The fact that they are real instruments with amazing sound quality-wonderful. I would like very much to commission an instrument from you. Please contact me. Saana of Vulcan
Don't think that is gonna happen.

He has not been on here since Nov 2011

Gaston, Your Vulcan Lyres are beautiful. The fact that they are real instruments with amazing sound quality-wonderful. I would like very much to commission an instrument from you. Please contact me. Saana of Vulcan
Regardless of the time factor, looking at the information Gaston chose to post here about his work as well as his youtube videos and the fact that he has made 10+ instruments seems only logical that he would expect enquires...Saana of Vulcan