TOS Phaser Squirtgun???


Sr Member

Okay, they're taking pre-orders for these at the Star Trek Experience site.

Looks like fun :D

So... who's gonna be the first nut to mod one of these with some metal, rising site and a removable powerpack?

It's not a squirtgun, it's a water emitter. :p I actually had a phaser squirtgun when I was a kid. It looked a lot like the phaser in the Exploration Set model kit.
Son of a – :lol

Out of my way, head of the line... :D

Ptew. Ptew. He's DEAD jim...

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It's the perfect "crapazoid" phaser too, just cut off the long trigger...

Attention fan films. You now have no excuse. :lol

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The only real difference I'm seeing is that they shifted the "tombstones" on the grip downward... note the gap at the top of the grip and how they go right to the bottom of the handle. Like a 2nd-3rd season dummy phaser.

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