Topsy Bot 5000

Rust-O-leum FTW!

The paint felt dry enough, so I put some of the parts together. It is finally starting to look like something.



I need to look into getting an armature inside the arms so I can pose them a little.  Same with the claws.
Thanks Mike. It's kinda on the back burner due to other projects, but I will finish it one of these years. :lol
Starting to come together. The bucket is a total enigma. If I match the stripes to screencaps, nothing else lines up and vice versa.


Awesome thanks!!

- - - Updated - - -

This started out as Topsy bot...but then i decided to get a bit creative. Its not quite done but here is my version of a concession bot. Thanks for the info as i used it as my base.
Here's mine.

new 004.JPG

Nick Evans and Rikk Wolf signed it.


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