That looks fantastic! Have you done Crow before, and would you like to
build one for me (maybe even a set-Tom, and Crow?) If so, please PM me.
I love it.:thumbsup
When you do these, do you supply the parts or does the customer have to give them to you to build?
Oh bloody excellent! The attention to detail is great! I'd love to get a Servo some time myself. How much do you normally charge for these?
I have to ask, do you mold and cast the parts to build him or do you actually manage to find the original pieces to make him. I know the gum ball machines are still around but the flashlight bevels for the shoulders must me brutal to find. XD
I make all the parts that aren't off-the-shelf. The shoulders were actual flashlight bezels early in season 1, but thereafter they were vacuformed plastic copies, so that's what I use, too.