TNG Movie Phaser Rifle Build


New Member
I've started modelling this up in Fusion 360 using dimensions from auction sites.


However, the grip width is less than the auction total. Anyone have a screen used prop or a Roddenbery's version they can measure for me? I would be very grateful :)
Agreed on all fronts, slick looking rifle, especially compared to the TNG show phaser rifle. That one has its charm, but I've always been partial to this one.
Shoulder-stock, cheek rest, shoulder pad and side panels component done!

I wasn't looking forward to modelling up the multi faceted side panels - very tricky to do. But came out fine. However, I will revisit them as the raised edges are too sharp and need to be rounded-off.

I spoke to the original TNG prop maker Michael Moore regarding the strap and he confirmed my suspicions that they used a retractable car seat belt system.

Left is an auction reference pic. Right is my Fusion 360 model that will eventually be 3D printed.

Such a good idea :) Did you use magnets?
Yes. 6 in total. It holds quite well. I can even lift the rifle up by the barrel and it holds.

I spoke to the original TNG prop maker Michael Moore regarding the strap and he confirmed my suspicions that they used a retractable car seat belt system.
Yes this is a known fact. However, it is a $90 part so not very cost friendly. I advise going to a pick-&-pull. The production used Mazda seatbelts if I am remembering correctly. If you want an affordable alternative you can use a golf cart seat belt kit. They only run about $30.

You may also want to search for other builds that have been done here over the years. There have been several and I seem to recall someone devising a cleaver way to install the belt without hassle...
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Had a big push model up before I fly out for my wedding to Canada :)

Made up of separate components for not just printing but practically for painting and adding electronics.

To do:
  • Finish torch sight (flash light US).
  • Add detail and improve muzzle shape.
  • Remake shoulder stock side panels
  • Removable internals (as seen in First Contact - although it was for the square barrel version)...
and much much more.

Thankfully I have a contact that has one of the actual props and has given me measurements to help get as accurate I can.


Had the best compliment from the actual prop maker (Max Cervantes) that made the original prop for the Star Trek First Contact production on one of my social media update posts....

Sadly the original comment was deleted for some reason. But he was kind to reinforce it.

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