TMP IRON MAN - New Photos Feb 2011. Page 72.

Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

In so far, I have no problems with TMP except the lack of communication and very long wait time. I don't want to add to his stress and take up his time in answering to electronic correspondances. But been a few months since the initial offering. I just ordered a lid and paid promptly, at least a quarter year should yield something, and I have waited longer than that.

As far as busniness practice is concerned, he did offer a refund, the old sculpt which could be delivered very soon, or wait for a new sculpt which was soon. So I choosen to wait for the new sculpt. But its about another two months since so I just thought I would close the transaction and go back on the old sculpt since the mould is already done.

Currently, he plans to supply the new sculpt soon. Which I am happy to hear but I just want a date.
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

for the record, I was one of the people who bought a TMP Iron Man suit and it went overdue by nearly 100% of the original ETA. i did my homework..I did not send him a big chunk of $$ without knowing something about him. I have watched John's ebay sales for was coincedence when I joined here that I found he was a member (in good standing) also. I watched John's prgress pics from Oct 2007 to when he unveiled the completed suit. He and I spoke for a couple months via PM here before I jumped and sent all that $$....being a Husband and Father of two...this was a MAJOR purchase...and a 3-year payment plan LOL
when delays began to arrive and get worse, my wife got upset...rightfully so. But, as time went on...and communication fears got worse, other customers contacted me...that was enough red flags for my wife and enough for me to start thinking about protection incase things go bad. We consulted with our bank and they had us fill out paperwork to be ready to reverse funds. The bank was rather adament and gave me until Dec 31 2008 for a good news report.
John started getting better with communication and my suit did arrive as he said. I've had it for a couple weeks now and it is coming along well. I am hoping to do a suit up and post decent pics...all I have right now are bits and pieces.
Isshogai on the LOH was one who had contacted me. He sounds like a very polite, educated and patient fellow who was simply irked about communication and production delays.
He got his suit a week or so before me...and I don't know what went wrong. In the couple months before I paid...John was rather clear that my body HAD to match his or pretty darn close. i am 6' 2" 38" waist 240lbs (yeah, I don't eat completely right LOL) and I carry it pretty well. One of the factors with me getting the TMP suit was I had to retire my Vader. I had a mild heat stroke a little over a year ago while working in the yard...I haven't been right since, and have put on about 20lbs. Getting wrapped up in all the leather, fiberglass and wool just isn't tollerable for me anymore. Comparing the Iron man suit to my Trooper armor...I had lots more room to breathe and plenty of body ventalation. My wife understood how important entertaining people is to she agreed to let me go all out on this suit. I am trying to excersie more, and trying to watch what I eat. having suits like these is a pretty good motivation.
Since I got on a tangent...back to Isshogai on the LOH. I knew right before he got his suit that he was only 5' 8". I was really taken back....made me REALLY worry that my legs would be too big for the castings and that I was in big trouble. If the legs didn't was all over for me.
Well, he got was tremedously huge for his size, which reassured me my size was pretty darn close....and it was. My suit fits me like a glove so far and Isshogai on the LOH is really happy for me (we stay in touch sharing ideas, even though it sounds he may sell his suit).
I continue to talk with John and send him update pics when I modify something or learn something different about the suit assembly, and he has wrote back with thanks or suggestions.
It is killing me not to have completed pics to post. If there's no quams, I guess I could post my progress pics....don't want to sound corny, but noone else is really showing their "tips" or "secrets" of assembly.
Shall I?
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

Hey decaturvader,

I realy would post pics if I would have find the time to start at my suit already but my suit is still at the floor in my working room as I have 4 other suits that I have to finish up before I could start on that Iron Man.

Here is a pic of my suit as I got it and still did not change:


The only change I start till now is I made some new aluminium discs for the shoes as I did not like the ones that were on the shoes as I got them.


Also I´m still thinking to get first the new undersuit from TMP in the cirrect red for under the Iron Man suit before I would start to fit it on my body.

Greetings Guido
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Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

Look, bad business practices are bad practices no matter what. I'm not bringing LoH stuff over here...I was hoping to simply do a vendor review that's valid whatever forum I go to.

When people lose such a large amount of money on something that they bought based on vendor promises, their voice should be heard. And the next set of people should get valid information so they can make a decision.

It's not an LoH issue. It's a bad business review. Imagine you were about to buy a car for 5k and wanted more info on the seller. Would you really care that someone from somewhere else wanted to tell you their experience? Of course not. Its great that you're standing behind someone you believe in...I'm simply trying to give an alternative opinion a voice.
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

Look, bad business practices are bad practices no matter what. I'm not bringing LoH stuff over here...I was hoping to simply do a vendor review that's valid whatever forum I go to.

When people lose such a large amount of money on something that they bought based on vendor promises, their voice should be heard. And the next set of people should get valid information so they can make a decision.

It's not an LoH issue. It's a bad business review. Imagine you were about to buy a car for 5k and wanted more info on the seller. Would you really care that someone from somewhere else wanted to tell you their experience? Of course not. Its great that you're standing behind someone you believe in...I'm simply trying to give an alternative opinion a voice.

this thread is about the TMP Iron Man suit not your personal issues. I am getting a TMP Iron Man suit at the end of January and i am very happy to be spending the money for such a great Costume/replica...

Please stop talking downward on TMP keep your negative attitude on the LoH.
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

Quick that the "weathered" version of the suit?
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

this thread is about the TMP Iron Man suit not your personal issues. I am getting a TMP Iron Man suit at the end of January and i am very happy to be spending the money for such a great Costume/replica...

Please stop talking downward on TMP keep your negative attitude on the LoH.

Of course you want to support TMP because you've spent the money and don't want to think it's been wasted.

These aren't just MY personal issues...nice try though. It's about getting people the right information so they can make an informed decision.

Don't worry. This is the last post I'll make on this issue. It's really a shame that so many people want to duck their head in the sand and not view reality. You should want to hear all sides of an issue...especially when it comes to protecting your friends from being mistreated and scammed. But instead you apparently want to live in a fantasy world where only the ideas and the reviews you like are listened to.

Good luck with your suit.
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

I'm glad you got exactly what you wanted. You seem to be enjoying it. :)

And you also seem to be doing a great job at putting it together. I'm personally enjoying your updates on assembly. :thumbsup
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

I'm glad you got exactly what you wanted. You seem to be enjoying it. :)

And you also seem to be doing a great job at putting it together. I'm personally enjoying your updates on assembly. :thumbsup

his updates are really great they are helping me know what i am going to be expecting visually. thanks for letting this knowledge out visually..
Request moderators to step in!.

Harmonic Distortion. Your name says it all!

I am So tired of you constantly trying to critic and trolling on each topic or post i have. You can take that ****ty behavior back to LOH were it seems to be accepted. You come here as new member to this board and just troll. I se how activly your trying to smear our good name into the dirt.

Now again you do this here in this topic.

Harmonic Distortions is WannabeStanLee at the LOH forum. I have asked him kindly to stop the constant remarks. But enought is enought. I now had it. I cant sitt arround taking this crap anymore from a person with a bad teenage attitude.
I ask the moderators to remove people like this from this forum, people like this does nothing good. Only ruin. This person is only destructive in his post. Its personal and he cant seem to stop at any means to mess up or twist words and make problems.

Tell me what the HELL have you contributed att all to this forum?

I am sick and tired of you constantly beeing on my back. Your like the Pest and Plague. You come swipe in and only do bad. What construcive have you done...
I asked you that before, you seam to never reply to that.

Your attitude is Horifying, appauling, just plain bad!

Answer to the LOH (REFFERD LINK)
The issue with Paul O Brians Suit is one unique. He wears the suit in his socks. not attememted to tighen the parts or possiton them correctly.
In the photo. He have not trimmed or cut the neckseal to fit his neck so this way the helmet does not posstion correctly. The midsection is not at all tied to fit to his body. Paul is 32-34 inch waist size... The midsection whould look ALLOT more slim if he had tighen that peice to his OWN size.
Secondly he wears no boots. He drops down with the enire armor because he has no raise that the boots will give him. With correct boots. (big sole, extention heal will raise him up 4-5 inches.) giving him enought room to pull the midsection down equally whats been raised giving more correct proportions in the center.

I had a nice chat with Paul O Brian on the LOH (Refferd post) And he was most Happy i spoke with him. I drew up a ilustration on what do do. I am stil sure he will wear that suit nicl once he have done it. The armor are all the same. Its the wearer who is different in size.
Its the wearer and how its worn that makes the carracter.
Those who put more effort into the suit before wearing and takeing photos will look entirely different from those who dont.

YES, Everyone has waited way past the original deadlines.
I am WELL aware of it. So has the clients. Some waited a very long time and said it was well worth the wait. I have explained this to the customers, most have recived their suits now.
This was a project who has constantly been improved in details and resculpting proccess. We had problems with several suits that went to the scrap yard. This put us back a long time as well as we had to figure out what it was so we whould not repeat the mistake and get even bigger delays. This has for use cost allot of lost work time. Its not a wanted situation. It was MOST Unwanted. But it worked out and we worked hard to do it.

Now the problem is long gone fixed. But Harmonic distortions want to make it look like its the same problem. Your only intention is to make us look bad.

Harmonic Distortions vs. our plans for our new Superhero Forum:
You managed to mess up a mature, and good topic about our new superhero forum by just messing up the topic with your trolling and twisting of words and taking it to the extreme.
I hear you are most happy you managed to have it closed because of you ****king it up. CONGRATULATIONS ON ANOTHER DESTRUCTION to a good topic.

Harmonic Distortions is nothing but BAD NEWS!
You have not bought anything from us. Your not a client and you just trow out crap. Nothing nice comes from you!
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

Look, bad business practices are bad practices no matter what. I'm not bringing LoH stuff over here...I was hoping to simply do a vendor review that's valid whatever forum I go to.

When people lose such a large amount of money on something that they bought based on vendor promises, their voice should be heard. And the next set of people should get valid information so they can make a decision.

It's not an LoH issue. It's a bad business review. Imagine you were about to buy a car for 5k and wanted more info on the seller. Would you really care that someone from somewhere else wanted to tell you their experience? Of course not. Its great that you're standing behind someone you believe in...I'm simply trying to give an alternative opinion a voice.

I read the review linked to on LOH i have to say it sounds like nothing more than buyers remorse, it just sounds like this guy expected to get a set of armour straight out the box which fitted perfectly well anyone who's bought costumes before of this type knows that's not gonna be the case for most people.
In his first post after recieving the kit he seems to have nothing but praise for the kit yet a few days later when he's realised he has to do a bit of work all of a sudden there are multiple issues which somehow he overlooked before.
What is it you expect TMP to do exactly ? produce multiple molds of differing sizes tailored to each individual ?
Refund the guy his money because he can't be bothered to do the work to fit the costume ?
Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

sometimes there just no pleasing some people.. I for one am more than pleased with this TMP suit, yes you need to do some adjustments but not many if your the right hieght and build and as for quality there is no better anywhere! I paid my cash and have never looked back since, I'vew dealt with TMP for like 7 years and he has ALWAYS pulled through, he's a gent to deal with.

Re: Iron Man Costume. TMP. New photos London page 59

Harmonic Distortion:

Destructive criticism is intended to harm someone, derogate and destroy someone's creation, prestige, reputation and self-esteem on whatever level it might be. This may be done intentionally or out of sheer ignorance and foolishness. Hence the word destructive is used. In practical life destructive criticism may be disguised as constructive to be more painful while harming. Valid examination of intention of critic is when asked to prove, to help or to be somewhat useful at all. Often destructive criticism comes from persons who are envious, cruel and those who judge in fields which are not their own.

Constructive criticism, or constructive analysis, is a compassionate attitude towards the person qualified for criticism. Having higher experience, gifts, respect, knowledge in specific field and being able to verbally convince at the same time, this person is intending to uplift the other person materially, morally, emotionally or spiritually. For high probability in succeeding compassionate criticism, the critic has to be in some kind of healthy personal relationship with the other one, which is normally a parent to child, friend to friend, teacher to student, spouse to spouse or any kind of recognized authority in specific field. Hence the word constructive is used so that something is created or visible outcome generated rather than the opposite. Participatory learning in pedagogy is based on these principles of constructive criticism, focusing on positive examples to be emulated over precepts to be followed.

There can be tension between friendly support and useful criticism. A critic might usefully help an individual artist to recognize what is poor or slapdash in their body of work, but the critic may appear harsh and judgmental in the process. Useful criticism is a practical part of constructive criticism.

DESTRUCTIVE CRITIC IS NOT WANTED IN THE RPF! Leave that within your own rooms.
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