tk421 Stormtrooper grappling hook part found?



Hey guys I've been doing some digging with know luck to find out if the stormtrooper grappling hook in star wars ANH is a real vintage grapple or something the studio came up with. If it is really a real one one can someone share there info on it? I have found a modern close match tha makes me thinks think this was a real grapple....but what do i know.
The one you linked to is HUGE compared to the SW version. I'm thinking it had to be custom made as it would be pretty inefficient in the real world.
The one you linked to is HUGE compared to the SW version. I'm thinking it had to be custom made as it would be pretty inefficient in the real world.

I know it's bigger, but same type design. I was hoping someone had more info on the sceen used prop.