<div class='quotetop'>(motman241 @ May 18 2006, 03:02 PM) [snapback]1246379[/snapback]</div>
<div class='quotetop'>(Gigatron @ May 18 2006, 07:15 PM) [snapback]1246356[/snapback]
Check with either Fettclone or Motman241. ....If they can't help, no one can.
Thanks for those kind words.
If it were me, I would use something like maybe 2 X 8" pine (it's light, easy to work with, and cheap) for the main part. I would enlarge a high-res picture, and trace it onto the wood. I would also try to make the gun as easy as I could, by either using thick wood, and routing away stuff you don't want, or thinner wood and adding on the stuff you do want.
I would go about it by making the stock, reciever, grip, and foreward grip out of the 2 X 8" (or 2X10", whatever fits). One big, solid piece. Then I would add some PVC pipe for the barrel. Add some thinnner wood to thicken up the foreward grip and add on the extra parts, and you'll at least be real close. From there you should be able to tell what needs to be done.
Got a better picture of the gun by chance?
Sure....same size but you can see more detail:
Here's another one- the character is holding the rifle on the card art:
I know it's crappy, but you can see more detail there....my plan is to build the stock and rifle, then add greeblies to it that actually do stuff- have some cool knobs from Radio Shack, etc. Can't wait to get the main body done so I can make all kinds of cool "laser rifle" things on it.
Thanks for the advice.