Time to show off my HIC build

Eric Daniels

New Member
Hello all. I wanted to take this time to show off my HIC build. I couldn't have done it with out all the research I have done on this forum and various others. Thank you all for posting.

I started with 1/2" plywood to build the box. I used the plans that I found on here and everything lined up just great. I then filled the seams and screw hole with Bondo and sanded away. I purchased the casting from kingjawa and it was very promptly shipped. Thanks. Finally glued Han to the box and did the wood glue approach for the texturing. This step made me very nervous but I couldn't be happier with the results. I finally painted it as per the paint colors I found on here. I am currently doing the black wash and should be finished in the next couple days. As for the panals I am waiting for the parts from various members and just going to complete them I the future. So here are pictures of the process. It looks like the picture posted out of order but you get the idea.

looking forward to seeing the black wash... some leave it off, and it just doesn't look right without it.
Agreed. I put one was on but a lot came off. I was pressed for time and did realize it was as much of a process as it was. The little but that stayed really improved the look. Probably do it again tonight. My Rub and Buff came in the mail today so I'll get that on after the wash and hopefully hang him on the wall this weekend.
I think I finished painting and weathering. I did another black wash and hit it with Rub n Buff. Man I'm stoked. Now the nervous process of transporting it to the man cave. And of course build the panels but that for later down the road.

Thanks Eric. What did you use for your black wash mate?
I used some black acrylic paint I had laying around. I watered it down and added a drop of soap. Then spread it on evenly. I let it dry a bit just enough to wipe most of the surface off but leave in the details behind.

I did did successfully get it to the basement and got it hung on the wall.